Chapter 2 (Wirt pov)

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"Come on Greg!" Wirt said, notes of irritation starting to peak in his voice. 

"Your brother is such a bore!" Beatrice whispered loudly to Greg. "Let's ditch him!"

Greg hopped along the path, following Jason Funderburker, his pet frog. "But he's got a plan! Right Wirt?"

Wirt sighed. There was no plan. They were probably all going to die in these woods and it would be all his fault. "Right, Greg." They continued to wander along the path when Beatrice gasped suddenly. 

"Do you hear that?!" she whisper-shouted. 

"All I can hear is you!" Greg exclaimed. 

"Shush!" Wirt listened intently. A faint rustling... hushed voices... He peered through the tree branches. The glow of a lantern. 

"It's the Beast!" he exclaimed. Thankfully, the Beast hadn't noticed them yet. 

Beatrice landed on his shoulder. "Don't do anything stupid Wirt. Let's get out of here." 

"Come on Greg!" Wirt said, grabbing his brother's hand and taking off in the opposite direction of the Beast. 

"Is this part of you plan?" Greg asked innocently. Wirt ignored him and continued to run, Beatrice flying just behind him. 

Wirt, being completely oblivious to his surroundings, stumbled into a clearing and tripped over a pile of roughly cut logs. Beatrice flew in impatient circles above his head. "Way to go Wirt." Wirt stood up, brushed off his cloak and glared at Beatrice. 

He stood, pondering the logs for a moment. In the clearing, there was a pile of charred logs, like someone had a made a fire. He couldn't think of anyone who would do that. The woodsman had an axe, but he lived back at his house now, after getting rid of the lantern and getting his daughter back. Nobody else around here would have the need to start a fire, would they?

Wirt felt a sharp peck on the back of his head. "Ow!"

"Wirt! What are you doing? Where is Greg?" 

"Greg? I don't know. He must've run off." 

"Well then we better go find him!"

The duo set off into the woods, yelling Greg's name. 

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