Chapter 10 (Soos pov)

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Soos was positive that woman was his mom. There was no way she couldn't be! He was so blinded by hope that he'd forgotten to think logically. As he approached the small porch of the cabin, the woman looked up from her book. But before she could speak, the old man butted in. 

"Hey! If you think yer going to try and serenade my darling, think again! I let one boy slip through these greasy fingers, and I ain't gonna let another! Biggest mistake of my life! Go on then, get!" 

Soos was taken aback at his hostility, at a loss for words. The woman gave the old man a knowing look, then turned to Soos. She had a kind, pretty face even with the bags under her eyes. Soos could imagine she was often under a lot of stress, but it was barely noticeable when she wore her shining smile. 

"Father, please. I'm sure this young man just needs directions, most travelers do these days! Where are you headed? If yer looking fer Pottsfield, it's a few miles back the way you came." 

"Actually..." Soos trailed off. Now that he was so close, he found his mouth going dry. "I wanted to know your name. And if you've ever had a son." 

"Why yes actually, I did have a son," the woman answered, surprised. "Small lil' feller, younger than you. But that was such a long time ago, why, he must be all grown up now! Why're you askin'?" 

"What was your son's name?" Soos pushed, ignoring her question. 

"I named him Jesus, but we all called him our lil' Soos." A faraway look of wistful longing fell over her face. 

"Whatchu want, kid?" the old man demanded. "Whatchu want with my daughter an' her boy, eh? Why you suddenly show up, askin' so many questions, eh?" 

Soos couldn't speak. It actually was his mother. He was frozen again. If this woman was indeed his mother, than this old man must be his grandfather. The only problem was Soos had grown up his whole life told by his grandmother that they were both dead. And there was no way she'd lie to him, he couldn't even entertain the idea. 

"Are you alright?" Soos' mother asked, worry and fear glowing as one in her eyes. "Here, here, take my seat, sit down a minute." 

"Soos..." he mumbled. "I'm Soos." 

"What?" the woman asked, bewildered. "I must've heard you wrong, did you say that you're Soos?" Soos nodded, finding it difficult to swallow. "There's no way. I left my baby such a long time ago when I... left Earth." 

"Mama?" Soos asked. "Are we dead?"  

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