Chapter 6

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It was night. The moon and the stars shone brightly, but they were not the only thing bringing light. A dark lantern swung from the branch of a dark shadow. "Thank you for bringing the children here," the shadow spoke. "It must have been difficult." 

A demon floated out between the trees, laughing to itself. "Not at all! Those children are so dumb, they'd believe anything!" The demon cackled, clutching its sides. 

"Interesting..." the shadow murmured to itself. It knew it could use this knowledge to its advantage. "And what about you? Why would you do this?" 

The demon paused its laughter for a moment, thinking. Then it merely shrugged. "Fun?" It floated midair with its hands on its hips, if you could even call them that. 

"Absurd. I know your ways triangle. You must get something out of this." 

The demon grabbed its cane, which had been floating beside it this whole time. "Oh we'll see. But for now, I'm just happy to lend a helping hand!" The demon tipped his top hat toward the shadow. "But what's with the lantern, beastie? You don't seem the type to appreciate exterior decor!" 

The shadow looked uninterestedly at the demon. "Just a little keepsake, triangle. None of your concern." 

The triangle laughed again. "You do love your secrets beastie, I'll give you that!" 

The shadow turned away, staring into the woods. "Quiet triangle. I grow bored of your chatter." 

The demon floated over to fly around in circles around the shadow. "So what do you plan to do with those kids anyways?" 

"That is also none of your concern." 

The demon adjusted its bowtie. "Whatever you say. You got your plans, I got mine." 

The shadow turned back to the demon. "And what do you plan to do after this? Why have you come here, triangle?" 

"Gotta keep an eye on those kids, beastie. Especially that Pine Tree." 

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