S a v e d ? (2)

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Carter's Pov

"Carter! Why don't you go explore the neighborhood? You've been here for the whole morning! we just moved in go find some friends" my mom yelled at me taking me phone

"Mooom I don't waannaaa" I whined reaching for my phone

"Catah no buts goo!" She said handing me my phone and pushing me out of the house

Letting a puff I started walking to the direction of the park I saw earlier

Kids laughing, Pre-teens texting,

White girls flirting all the same

*Ding ding* I looked down at my phone to see I got message from my girlfriend Sydney:

Hey babe sorry but I can't do this long distance thing... I fell in love with another guy......Brad...

I'm truly sorry We are over.......

BRAD?!?! Who's brad you may ask? Well that is my fucking best friend when I was in diapers i cant believe he did this!! And I only left for a day was she cheating on me before with him?? now to think of it... it all makes sense now Great just great

Throwing my hands in my air I continues walking to the forest part of the park but suddenly stop when I heard a yell


"Hello?" I called out hoping to hear the girls voice again I start running in the direction of the voice and there I see the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.. She looks like an angel but she's crying oh shit shes gonna jump off the bridge

I quickly ran when she jumped thank god i caught her hand....

Why me? ~Bullied Carter and Nash grier lover story (Magcon)Where stories live. Discover now