Lunch (17)

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Carter's Pov

So after that incident in Ms. Whats her face? Danny? Manuel? No stupid its Daniels! Anyways after what happened in ms Daniels room, I surprisingly didn't have to go to the principals office, she said "he deserved it" and let me and Adriana sit in the back and do whatever. Which was me trying to get her to stop crying..

I swear nash is such a ...

"Carter!" a voice yelled.

"Whaa?" I say looking down, since she is shorter than me.

"You just spaced out, and you had a constipated face expressions" she says giggling at her own little joke.

"Ha ha ha, well I have lunch now how bout you?" I say putting my arm around her shoulder.

"Me too! Wait let me see your schedule." she says holding her arm out.

"Ooh we have all but one class together!!" she says jumping a little.

It's nice to see her happy, even though some people are giving her looks.

"What class don't we have together?" I say holding her down so she won't jump again.

"Last period, umm I have music and you have spanish."

"Oh well it's just one more class!" I say looking at her face.

We continued talking about random stuff when all of sudden someone yelled "MOVE BITCH!" He/her pushed Adriana put right when she fell I caught her in my arms luckily. yes all our books fell but this is a picture perfect moment!

We just looked into each other's eyes..

Her eyes are beautiful blue and green...

I felt myself leaning and so was her..

"OMG EWW THE NEW GUY LIKES THE WHORE!" A voice boomed from behind.

Adriana jump out of my arms and turned around to see those white bitches and nash.

Wtf! We almost kissed! Imma fucking kill them!

"Nice black eye." I say to nash making Adriana giggle.

"I wouldn't be talking, bitch." Nash says smirking make the three fakes laugh.

Shit that was annoying! High pitched laughs ugh-.-

Me and Nash were just having a stare down when all of a sudden I feel a light tug on my arm "Carter common lets go I'm hungry.." Adriana says pulling me to the lunch line.

"you don't need food you fat ass" Nash yelled at us. now the whole cafeteria was looking at us.

Adriana looked down. That's it I started charging after him he swung first.

"NO GUYS ST-" a voice yelled, I don't know what just happened but I know I wasn't the one who swung.. But that wasn't the problem someone stood in between us..Now she's on the floor..

Well damn 3 knockouts in a day then.. CARTER hush and focus!

Why me? ~Bullied Carter and Nash grier lover story (Magcon)Where stories live. Discover now