M o m (9)

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Adriana's pov

I couldn't help but cry into Carter's arms.

There was no point in trying to hide if he already knew...

"Why do they do this to you he whispered into my ear as I started to settle down.

"It's kind of a long story" I say sitting up wiping my tears

"I have-" he started to say but was cut off by my mom barging in the room

"RI-oh hey carter? What are you doing here?" she says surprised and in a fake "sweet" tone

"Um I was just getting my phone Ms luma i kinda left it here" he says scratching his neck

"Oh here I was just gonna send Ri- I mean Adriana to give it to you" she says in a fake friendly tone again handing him his phone

"Well you better get on your way home now! Adriana has to sleep now!" mom says

"Um okay see you tomorrow Adrianna?" he says standing up next to my mom looking at me

"Yeah! bye!" I say with a fake smile. I don't want him to leave I actually felt safe when he was here and I was in his arms.

Once I heard the front door close my mom entered my room again and slapped me really hard across the face

"What the hell did you tell him! You little bitch!" she screams

"I-I didn't say n-nothing!" I say. Holding my face in pain. Tears rushing out again.

"Yeah right! How the hell did he even get in?" she screams again slapping me.. again

"I-I don't k-know" I sob

"Please stop it hurts" I whisper now

I looked into my mothers eyes pleading, I saw a gleam of my old mother.. The one who cared, the one loved even though I was a girl, the one who loved me before Riley died... but she like tht it was gone she kicked me one last time and left me in the room to cry

A/n: hey guys it Jessica sorry I don't really update I'm kind hesitant about this story... Anywhale thanks for commenting and reading it means a lot to me

And yes it's Cadriana but wait for (whatever is Nash and Adriana's name mash together)???!!!!

Why me? ~Bullied Carter and Nash grier lover story (Magcon)Where stories live. Discover now