Great (25)

353 18 6

Adriana's Pov


I pulled away from our little makeout session.

"Carter did you hear that?" I whisper looking out the window a little scared.

"Well, yeah that was loud Adriana." He says shaking his head he stood up and offered his hand.

"Common lets go check it out" he says, pulling me up.

We ran outta the house to see a crowd surround a car.

"Oh snap it a car accident. I wonder who's hurt." I say to carter as he made a way for me and him to make it to the front of the crowd.

"Shit..." carter mumbled as we looked at the person.

"Nash?" I say, my eyes couldn't even water anymore but I felt my face drain.

"NASH!" I Scream making many people look at me.

Me and carter pushed through the police to get to nash.

We both fell to our knees on each side of Nash.

"Nash?!?" I say holding his limp hand.

Carter looks at his injuries.

"His stomach is bleeding and he has a gash on his forehead." carter says.

"Do you two know him?" a guy police officer ask holding a notepad and pen.

"Well no shit! We wouldn't of ran to him and scream his name if we didnt!!" carter says at the police.

"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to calm down." The police says sternly.

"I was fucking calm until you started asking stupid questions!" Carter replies back a little louder, now standing up.

"Do not make me taser you son." the police shots back at him.

"Carter, calm down!" I say pulling on his arm so he can back away from the police.

"I'm sorry, yes we know him. He's a ..." I look at carter and then back to the police officer. " a friend of ours?"

"Are you sure?" the police says writing it down.

"Oh my -" I put my hand over Carter's mouth so he wouldn't say anything else.

"Alright. Do you know how we can contact this boys family?"

"Yeah! they-" I started, but I was cut off by Nash's mom screams as she saw nash on the gurney getting inside the ambulance.

"NASH WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!?" Mrs Grier said as she held on to his hand.

"They are right there sir." I say pointing at her.

"Thank you for the information. Have a great day." he says with a fake smile.

i remove my Hand from Carter's mouth and turned to look at him.

"Well I hate that guy," he mumbles looking down at me as I stared up at him.

I laugh slightly, and then looked as the paramedics close the ambulance doors.

"Well isn't this just a great day?" I say to carter. he chuckles a little.

"Sure, whatever you say." he puts his arms around me giving me a hug as I sighed into his chest.

Five days later~

In case if your wondering...nope me and carter have not seen nash yet.

Yes even though he's a jerk, I was still his best friend and He's still mine. but that doesn't mean I will forgive right away or something.

The reason why we didn't see him is because The doctor said only family members.

Anyways enough with the negatives. It's my birthday!! Me and carter decided not to go to school today.

Oh yeah also the fakes are basically now nothing without Nash, so nobody really picks on us.

Carter told me to dress nice, yet casual.

So I decided to wear a nice flowy flower dress with black converses.

I decided to wave my hair and apply little makeup. Ahh, finally 18!!!

After applying my lip gloss and ruffling my hair, I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Hello?" a voice said. I automatically knew that was carter.

"Hey carter!" I say making my way outside if the bathroom that was attached to my room. I see carter wearing a white v neck, black skinny jeans, black and white Jordans, and his usual perfect quiff.

"Wow. You look beautiful happy birthday!" he says pulling something from his back which happened to be white roses.

"Awee carter! Thanks!" I say getting the flowers kissing his cheek on the way.

We both blush and look down.

"Well..uh your birthday fun awaits mam." he says bowing, while offering a hand.

"Alright let's go!" I say taking his and pulling him down the stairs as he laughs at my excitement.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2014 ⏰

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