ashhole and planet green eyes

30 4 0

lauren youreagay: hey guys

iamhalsey: lauren no

lauren youreagay: guess what

suffering™: what

iamhalsey: l a u r e n p l e a s e

[lauren youreagay has changed iamhalsey's name to ashhole]

ashhole: why would you do this

lauren youreagay: love you

[ashhole has changed their name to y]

y: no

[godhatesmiles has changed y's name to ashhole]

godhatesmiles: it's too good

ashhole: miles i thought we had something

godhatesmiles: no go have something with your wife lauren

ashhole: fuck it

[ashhole has changed lauren youreagay's name to planet green eyes]

ashhole: now we're even

planet green eyes: f i n e

ashhole: also this experience has proven to me that i need to bring in reinforcements

fef65b: i thought we did that last time

pure™: well we're doing it again

jonnie boi: okay

[ashhole has added emo lord to the chat]

emo lord: ashley what who are these people

ashhole: oh hi matty great to talk to you again

emo lord: i saw you yesterday

ashhole: shut the fuck up matty don't make me remove you from this chat

emo lord: please do

suffering™: youve been here for like two seconds

toothpaste: you actually left almost as soon as i made this chat

suffering™: that was different you kept calling yourself daddy

toothpaste: its not my fault that you got defensive

jish on the drooms: a lovers' quarrel

suffering™: shut the frick up josh

jish on the drooms: wow r00d okay

planet green eyes: also @ashley are we going to ignore that miles said i'm your wife

ashhole: yeah prolly

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