Ch 6 - Jimin POV - Reactions

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"If you grip on any harder to that arm rest, you're going to rip it in half."

Y/N looked at me, then quickly looked back out the airplane window. She wasn't afraid of flying, so I don't know why she was so uncomfortable.

Other than the fact that our parents were making us take a week long honeymoon together.

"The public is dying for the post royal wedding photos!" Mom had said at family brunch. "And you both with have a wonderful time. Walk on the beach, shopping downtown, those cozy mornings in bed..."

My dad nodded. "Yes, I remember those incredibly well."

My parents shared a flirtatious glance.

"Stop that." I said. "That's gross for everyone."

Sehun nodded, his face bunched up. "For once, I agree with my brother."

"Oh, I'm so jealous!" my mother continued, not paying attention to either of us. "I'd love a second honeymoon!"

My dad took her hand in his and kissed it. "We could have a second honeymoon every night of the week, if you'd like, my dear."

"I said stop." I repeated.

Y/N's face at brunch yesterday was as uneasy then as it was now. Maybe she was playing that memory through her head too.

That could be fun. Maybe I could get a reaction out of her for once.

I stood from my seat and sat next to her. She shifted even more.

"Nervous about something?" I asked.

She didn't meet my eyes.

"Who knows? This vacation might turn out to be quite nice." I continued. "I think this is the first time since we've met that it's been just us."

I tried to draw out the last word as much as possible. She swallowed, still not meeting my eyes.

Well, at least it was something.

"Yes," she finally said. "It will be nice to get acquainted better."

She said it like I was a business partner.

Oh, right. I guess that's kind of how it was.

"Acquainted?" I asked. "What have we been doing for the last year, then? It's not like we've just been passing each other in the hallways."

"Well it's not like we've –" She stopped herself.

"Not like we've what?"


"No, tell me. I'd like to know.

She pulled her shoulders back, dipping her head. "I'm sorry. I spoke out of turn."

I slumped back. I could tell in her face that she was holding something back. All I wanted was the truth from her. I didn't even care if she threw something at my head, I just wanted to know how she actually felt.

But that never happened. It was always politeness.

"You're never going to be honest with me, are you?" I asked.

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now