Ch 28 - Jimin POV - Revealed

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"We have a problem." Suho said, frowning as he entered the room.

"Again?" I asked, not removing my arm over my eyes as I leaned against the couch. "I feel like all we have these days are problems, Suho. What's happened between us?"

Paper scraped and crunched against my arm. I opened my eyes, leaning over to see the newspaper Suho was nudging me with. I sighed.

"Another threat?" I asked.

"Something like that."

I opened to the front page, almost dropping it from my hands.



I skimmed down to the article.

Sources have confirmed of a secret affair between Prince Jungkook the newly wed Princess Y/N...

I threw the paper before reading further. Whoever did this was going to pay for it.

"Suho, get hold of the stations and tell them if they continue to print this garbage, that they'll be sued and shut down for slander."

Suho nodded. "Yes, Your Majesty."

I dropped my head in my hands. Who would do this? Who would stalk around my wife and ...

I didn't even have to finish the question.

Jumping from my seat, I tore down the corridor. Suho followed behind, but I didn't care if he tried to stop me.

If it was war Sehun wanted, I'd give it to him.

I found him in the dining room, leaning back on a chair with his feet on the table, reading a book. He was calm. Serene. As if the world belonged to him.

It pissed me off.

He looked up from his book and grinned. "You look like you've been having a rough morning, Jimin. What's the matter?"

I grabbed the back of his seat and shoved it back. The chair toppled over, Sehun along with it. He tumbled over and jumped to his feet, his grin gone.

"You did this, didn't you?" I growled. "The newspapers."

He smirked. "Ah, yes. I saw this morning's papers. I can see why you'd be angry."

"You set me up."

"Set you up?" He laughed. "I didn't force your wife to make out with Jungkook."

"She never kissed him."

"Not that you know of."

I leapt at him, tackling him to the ground. I socked him hard in the nose. He returned a hit to my stomach, but it wasn't enough to keep me from beating his face in.

A tangle of arms pulled me off. Groaning, he stood, wiping the blood from his nose. After a moment, he looked at me and laughed.

The bastard laughed.

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now