Ch 27 - Your POV - Surprises

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"I'm going to Hell, Priest Lee."

I held my stomach as it twisted.

He chuckled, shaking his head. "No one goes to Hell for telling a lie, Y/N. If they did, there wouldn't be enough room for everybody."

"I don't know if I can keep this up."

I was relieved that Jimin had told Priest Lee about our scam. It made the burden lighter. Jimin trusted the priest with his life, and recruited him to keep an ear out for potential hostility towards us. 

Meanwhile, Jimin had been dropping false information around the castle for the past few days. He flirted with me in front of company. He ordered for his room to be rearranged for "more space." He even went so far as to order baby clothes and accessories and had them sent to the castle, revealing to me in secret that it was for a friend of his who actually was having a baby.

"Is this a bad idea?" I asked.

"Probably," Priest Lee replied. "But I understand why Jimin is doing it. There is someone that is trying to hurt your family. He's trying to protect you all."

I sighed. "This can't end well."

He sat next to me, putting his hands on his knees. "I'm reminded of a story in the book of Joshua about a young woman – a prostitute, actually – who lied to save the life of a spy."

"What happened?"

"He was spared, and they married. Their child was ancestor of Jesus." He smiled. "Even sinners can be blessed, my dear."

I frowned. "I think I need to pray more."

The church doors opened and five men walked in, each of them carrying an armful of flowers. There were large bouquets of daisies, sunflowers, roses, and baby's breath, spilling over each of their arms.

Priest Lee stood to greet them. "What's all this? Flowers for the alter?"

One of the men shook his head. "They're for Her Majesty. What would you like us to do with them?"

I stood. "Who are they from?"

The man in the front lifted an eyebrow. "From His Majesty, of course."

He nodded to the card in the front of the bouquet he was holding. I opened the card. There were only three words, followed by a smilie face:

I meant it.

Blood rushed to my face. I told them to send one to my room and keep the other four in the church.

"So. How are things going between you and Jimin?" the priest asked, smiling from ear to ear.

I looked at the card again, then back at him. "Jimin asked me to date him."

Priest Lee clapped. "Marvelous! Everyone should date their spouse after marriage."

"I don't know if he really means it." I admitted. "He has a reputation for flirting and messing around."

"True. But I've known him since he was a child." the priest patted my shoulder. "That reputation is rooted in many decisions that were made in fear and ignorance. Since he's married you, however, I've never seen the boy work so hard to become a man."

I smiled. At least I was helping in some way.

The doors opened again. I was afraid of more flowers, but what came through the doors was much worse.


I pulled my shoulders back, trying to stay calm. "Sydney. Good to see you again."

It wasn't, really.

"Should have figured you'd be in a church." she replied. "You can use all the prayer you can get."

My patience snapped. "What are you talking about?"

"I'm not sure what your game is." she replied. "You came to me saying you want to help your husband and yet, I don't think you have any real feelings for him at all."

"How dare y—"

"Your father is currently under investigation for conspiracy." she said, cutting me off. "I'm investigating you as an accomplice."


My father was controlling, yes. But conspiracy? 

"You don't mind if I search your room, do you?" Sydney asked. "Unless you have something to hide from me, it shouldn't be a problem, yes?"

Her eyes dragged down my body as if she was trying to decide where to stick a knife. I tried to keep my composure.

"Search anything you want." I said. "I wouldn't betray Jimin."

She laughed. "Oh really? Tell me. What's this, then?"

She pulled a newspaper from her back pocket and handed it to me. I unrolled it, revealing the front page.


Below was a picture of Jungkook, in the courtyard, holding me in his arms.

Marriage of Royal Inconvenience [Jimin x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now