Problems With Draco

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During lunch, I wandered to the bridge leading to Hagrid's, hoping to clear my head about Snape. Unfortunately, there wasn't much time to myself when Draco came up behind me.

"Hey, babe. Why are you out here by yourself?" He grinned.

"To get away from you, dick." I didn't even attempt to shake him off.

"Now, those words aren't suited for such a pretty mouth." He kissed my neck from behind which resulted in an elbow to the gut.

"Listen here, git. I'll give you one chance on the condition that you do not touch me like one of your whores, got it? Trust me, I'm not doing it for you." I said.

'It might not be a bad idea to give Gwen's idea a try.'

"I knew you couldn't resist me." He pulled me close as I rolled my eyes.

"You're ruining it." I said, trying to pull away from him.

"Alright, I get it." He backed away but grabbed my hand, "You're mine, now, and I want everyone to see." He started walking, pulling me behind him.

We walked into the Great Hall, hand in hand, as Gwen nearly fell off the bench seat. We sat down by her and I instinctively looked to Snape. I saw him glaring in my direction, but not directing at me. Thinking he was planning a detention for a student a few seats down from me, I turned toward Gwen who was basically bombarding me with questions.

"You two are a thing, now?" She whispered as Draco was busy talking to his goons.

"Don't make it worse." I scowled as I thought about how pathetic I was. I felt an odd chill down my spine when I turned to see Pansy Parkinson shooting daggers at me. I shot her a 'what-the-fuck-are-you-looking-at' look and she immediately turned.

"I don't understand why you decided it, but... I don't know. I know you're tough, but watch out for Pansy. Her and Draco were a thing not too long ago and by the looks she keeps giving you, she isn't over him." She sounded concerned.

"Relax, alright? I can handle whatever that bitch tries, don't worry." I finished just before Draco grabbed my chin and roughly pulled me into a kiss to show off that we're together.

Instantly, Draco was hit in the back of the head by none other than Snape's hand, "there will be none of that." He warned and stalked off.

After lunch, Draco was attached to my damn hip all the way to potions. He led me to my seat when I finally snapped, "damn it, Draco! I can fucking walk by myself! Trust me, I know where my damn seat is." Everyone turned toward us. Draco gave out a light chuckle before turning to me, hiding his serious face, "you'll regret embarrassing me." His grip on my wrists had tightened to the point where they felt numb. I was a bit terrified, as he was perfectly normal awhile ago.

"Is there a problem, mr Malfoy?" Snape asked as he walked out of his office.

"None, sir." He said plainly before finding his seat. Snape noticed me rub my wrists where the reddish-purple marks were when his two-second look of concern shifted into disinterest.

"Now that we are all seated, can anyone tell me what the draught of peace is?" I glanced around the room and saw that everyone was too afraid to answer, or they were just that stupid.

'It relieves anxiety and agitation, dumbasses!'

"No? Can anyone tell me of it's side effects?" Again, no one raised their hand. I shoved my face into my palm as no one could answer.

"How about you, miss Kuran? You seem like you might have a clue." I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic, but I answered anyway, "overdoing the ingredients could put the drinker into a deep sleep."

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