Voldemort's Task

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It had been two months since the incident with Fred. Severus thought it best, aside from potions, that I take time to myself. He believed Voldemort was testing me that night, seeing how much he could make me do. Seeing how strong, or weak, I was. I wanted to believe him, but a part of me believes it was just an excuse to explain the monster I was becoming.

He was right, though. I needed time to find myself and regain the strength I once had. I felt lonelier than ever without Severus, but I knew I would lose him if I didn't get my shit together. It took a few weeks, but I did get better... I felt like myself, again, despite things at Hogwarts getting worse. Umbridge was taking over and, in my opinion, becoming a female Voldemort. I was surprised to find she feared Severus, as she hadn't spoken a word to me since the night Severus snapped on her.

I sat by the Whomping Willow when Severus walked up beside me. He took a seat and enjoyed the night with me for a moment before speaking coldly, "the Dark Lord wishes to present you with your task."

"I suppose that means now, then?" I plainly asked, staring ahead in the trees. With our time apart, we lost connection with each other, which made things slightly awkward.

"I implied it would be best to wait until Saturday, as to not make Dolores more suspicious of us. I want to make sure you are ready." His words represented his concern for me, but his tone sounded like that of a professor that once pushed me away.

"It's been awhile, Severus. I understand your reason behind the check up, but I can assure you that I am perfectly fine, now. It took me until recently to put the pieces back together, I hope you aren't disappointed in the time it took me to do so." I tried to match his uncaring tone, but I failed.

"If anything, I am proud. You did what you needed to gather yourself. If needed, I would have waited years. You forget how long I have lived as a broken man, and it took a teenager to heal me." Finally, the smile I so longed to see again.

"Let's go see what horrid task awaits me." I courageously said and took his arm to apparate to Malfoy manor, where Voldemort held his meetings.

"My Lord, forgive us for intruding, but Arabella insisted we come tonight." Informed Severus with caution.

"Eager, are we?" He amused as he walked closer to us.

"I only wish to please you without delay." I said.

"I will forgive the intrusion, as you do intrigue me so and I do desire this to be fulfilled immediately. A man, once devoted to me, has decided to betray me and go into hiding. His name is Cyrus Ravenbane. I have traced him to the far side of London, but I do not see the fun in me killing him, as it is expected. I would rather imagine the look on his face when he sees you as he takes his last breath." He finished with a grin and turned back to sit in his chair, signaling us to leave.

Severus took my arm this time and apparated back to the Whomping Willow. He stood there clutching my arm for a minute or two before coming back to reality, then dryly said, "he wants you to use the killing curse."

"Wasn't this expected? Let's go find the bastard!" My determination faded when he squeezed my arm tighter.

"Do you even realize what the curse will do to you?" He pressed. I shook my head and he continued, "imagine your soul being shattered into a million pieces. Whether you have murdered before or not, your soul is still pure. Once those words connect with your wand, you, yourself, will be cursed. It is the point of no return."

"Let me just go back and tell him I don't feel like doing it. I'm sure he'll love that." I stated and sat down.

"I do not appreciate the sarcasm, this is serious. I did not prepare myself enough to have you do this." He sighed as he sat down and laid his head against the tree.

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