The Fight

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In may, my fuse finally blew, "Severus Snape, you look at me now!"

He turned with such a glare that I cringed, but I held my ground as he growled, "what?"

"What the hell is your problem, lately? I understand that you're stressed and tired, but don't you dare take it out on your family!" I had had enough of his involuntary comments and attitude towards us.

"Allow me to go tell the Dark Lord that I don't feel like obeying him, anymore." He sarcastically remarked.

"This isn't a joke, Severus. Your children don't even know who you are because when you are home, you lock yourself in your study hardly ever coming out. When I, your damn wife, beg for you to lean on me for support, you toss me aside as if I mean nothing!"

"Do you understand anything? Do you honestly believe that I enjoy running around as someone's servant, or even rarely getting sleep?" He grabbed my shoulders roughly.

"That doesn't mean you shut me out completely. If I wanted to be a single mother, I wouldn't have married you." My voice was lowered, but the pain still hit him just as hard.

He pushed me away and sneered, "if you doubt me, then leave."

I couldn't believe he had even suggested that. He was making the same mistake, over and over again, pushing me away as if he didn't care when I knew he needed me the most, "you know what? Fine, Severus. I am sick of playing these childish games with you. Come find me when you grow up."

Without waiting for his reply, I walked into the kids' room to grab them. Severus stood still, holding his composure like he didn't give a damn, but I could still see him slightly shake. I shook my head at his pride, knowing he wouldn't apologize and tell me he needed me.

I was about to use the floo when Argus stepped through it, "I-invasion! Y-you must leave!"

I turned to look at Severus, but he was no longer there, "the fucking bastard played me!"

I knew I needed to get the kids to safety, but I also had a horrible feeling that Severus' life could be at stake if I didn't find him. I looked at the kids and choked, "I-I need to find Daddy, but-"

"I'll take 'em to safety." Argus offered.

"Are you-"

"Go!" He grabbed them out of my arms. I kissed them both and said, "Mommy loves you, both," before dashing out the door.

I ran through the castle, blinding flashes caught my peripherals, but I didn't have time to stop and see how bad it was. 'Where the hell did he go?' There was no way he was getting away with that fake bullshit argument. I wanted to at least slap him if he was going to die, 'well, that's a horrible thing to say about your husband.'

"Aria?" I halted suddenly to see who it was.

"George? What are you doing here? You need to-"

"No way, I'm fighting. You're the one who shouldn't be here, what about the kids?!"


"I've accepted what happened, and I know you love him, but a part of me still loves you, and I won't live in a world that you're not in. Please, get somewhere safe!" The panic in his voice made me feel guilty for hurting him.

"I'm sorry, but I need to find Severus." I kissed his cheek and ran off, ignoring him yelling my name.

I searched the castle, running past death eaters and students fighting, along with professors. I wanted to stop and protect them, but I couldn't. I needed to find Severus, but I soon realized how unprepared I was. I ran to Severus storage room, and fill the enchanted bag he had in there with every potion I thought might be of use.

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