Keeping A Promise

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I woke up at sunrise and quickly made an unpredictable decision; run away. I didn't need to think twice, I just knew I couldn't go back as long as I had feelings for him. I mentally prepared for the journey ahead, but before I could transfigure into my animagus, my owl, Calypso, perched on my shoulder and gave me a letter.

I unrolled it to read:

    Arabella Kuran,

I apologize for the events that occurred last night and I would like to apologize in person, as well as to teach you Occlumency. Please, consider this and come to my quarters at 7 p.m. sharp.

I'll be waiting.


This guy was bipolar!

Aggravated, I ran into the woods, realizing it was the forbidden forest. I kept running until I was out of stamina and found myself lost. I collapsed on the ground and cried, thinking of my time with George in the courtyard for comfort. I felt a sudden whirling sensation before I opened my eyes to see myself in the courtyard.

'Bloody hell, I just apparated!' With all the excitement built up, I forgot about my anger towards Snape and ran to his quarters.

"I believe it is quite earlier than I requested." He raised a eyebrow.

"I know, but I just apparated!" I leapt passed him with excitement.

He closed the door behind us and demanded, "when and where?!"

"Long story short, I thought of the courtyard while in the forbidden forest and bam! I was instantly transported!"

"Details or I will expel you." He threatened.

"You really are a git, aren't you?" I frowned as he wrinkled his nose into a snarl, "alright, just don't get angry, okay? I fell asleep by the lake, but that mustn't come as a surprise, anymore. I woke up and thought it would be best to leave, at least for awhile. I got your letter, oh and you should really take something for that bipolarness you got going on," he scowled, but I continued before he could make a comment, "I became frustrated with you tossing me around like a rag doll, so I ran into the forest. I got lost and wound up in the courtyard, it was really no big deal."

"No big deal? Arabella! That is the most irresponsible decision that I would never expect you to make!"

"Yes, buuuuut I didn't. Do you even care what I accomplished on my own?" Within a second, Snape penetrated my mind and replayed the events of last night up until I fell asleep, "that wasn't fair, I wasn't ready!"

"Is one ever prepared for someone to invade their mind?" He stated before jumping back in.

As I apparated to the courtyard, my memory of George and I talking there was at the front of my brain. He watched it all and pulled out when he witnessed George kissing my cheek. He looked disgusted at the fact that I blushed when it happened.

"Well, at least we know why the courtyard was the best place to go." He sneered.

"P-please, Sev-" I didn't even have time to finish my sentence. He dove deep, giving me a migraine. The memory that stood out to him occurred last summer.

Cold, wet, filthy; I slept in an alley with nothing but a pair of sweatpants and an over sized shirt to keep me warm from the cold nights. The boots I wore had holes in them and my hair was knotted to the skull. My wand was broken and all of my belongings were gone, as my mother had kicked me out. I had nowhere else to go.

I starved for weeks, getting chased by horny drunk men, and being made fun of by rich muggles. It wasn't until the end of August, close to the beginning of the school year, that a strange wizard took me in and offered to take care of me until I went back to Hogwarts.

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