Becoming A Monster

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I walked out to find a hysterical Gwen running towards me. My eyes widened and then narrowed, wondering if Fred needed to be cursed or not, "what's wrong?"

"I think... I think I'm..." She began to hyperventilate.

"Gwen," I began calmly. "Let me try to perform legilimency on you seeing as you're too upset to properly explain." She closed her eyes tightly and nodded her head shakingly.

The second I entered her mind, I saw her in the girls bathroom on the third floor. Usually, it wasn't occupied for the simple fact that an annoying ghost named Myrtle haunted it. Yet, I watched Gwen come out of the stall with what looked like a cup of blue liquid.

She began to bawl her eyes out, leaning against the wall in the back. It took me a bit to realize what substance the liquid was; a pregnancy test. Blue meant positive. I was about to back out and comfort her when Fred came into view. They were in the closet and Gwen was explaining the situation in a calm manner. It wasn't until Fred flipped out that Gwen became hysterical and ran off.

"Gwen, I-" I couldn't form words.

She looked down when an instant rage hit me, "you know what, let me find Fred and-"

"No! It isn't his fault. I'm not really upset over his words, I'm more upset by this whole situation. I know Fred will come around eventually, but I can't wait that long. That is why I've chosen to run away."

Before I could reply, Severus came out of his classroom and was startled to find us sitting there with Gwen's eyes so red and puffy.

"Professor?" I tilted my head with confusion as his expression returned to serious and concern, but he rushed off. Gwen decided to dart in the opposite direction, obviously embarrassed to be seen by Severus in her current state.

"Severus can wait, Gwen needs me." I whispered to myself and took after her. I lost her throughout the castle but caught a glimpse of her outside heading towards the forbidden forest. I ran into Umbridge who immediately grabbed my arm and demanded to know where I was going at such an hour, but I shoved her off and continued to follow Gwen.

I ran about a mile into the forest when I realized she was gone. I leaned up a tree to support myself as I caught my breath when I heard screaming. I could tell it was Gwen and took off at full speed deeper into the woods. I stopped behind a few trees, fog and darkness covering my presence. I watched as a few death eaters trapped her, making me jump out and hold my wand up, not showing my fear.

"Well, well, well. Two little girls out past curfew. Tsk, tsk." A man said while the other, a woman, held her wand to Gwen's throat.

"Let her go, or I'll fucking kill you." I spat with anger.

"Feisty, eh? Why don't we get her going before presenting her to our Lord?" The woman smirked and added, "Avada Kedavra!"

Gwen slumped to the ground, no chance of survival.

"You fucking bitch!" I screamed before cursing her, "Crucio!"

To my surprise, she actually fell over as another man grabbed me by the throat and slammed me back to the ground. My vision blurred but I was able to recognize a face in the distance that I would never be able to forget, one with such horror on it.

"Do not kill her," Severus said. "She can be of use."

"Then you deal with her." The man that still had me by the throat whipped me in Severus' direction. I laid on my back and stared at the sky, too pained to move.

"I am sure the Dark Lord is awaiting our return. Let's not make him wait." Severus drawled as he picked me up.

'You are a foolish woman!' He angrily screamed in my pounding head.

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