Ginger To Ginger

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The next day was slow, and filled with anxiety. Each second felt like an hour, but finally it was dinner time. I had spaced during classes, and then ignored Gwen as I sat and stared at my food until dinner was dismissed.

I sat in Snape's office, waiting for him to enter. I could feel my heart race, as I was nervous as to what these lessons would be like. After a few minutes of attempting to slow my breathing, Snape came in and slammed the door.

"Good, you have actually managed to come... on time, as well." I scowled before he continued, "in these lessons, I will attempt to penetrate-" I snorted when he gave me the scariest look.

"As I was saying, I will attempt to enter your mind, and you will attempt to resist, understood?" I nodded before he pointed his wand at me and said, "Legiliment!"

"Your mother will be gone for awhile buying food for your ungrateful ass. So, let's play a little game while we wait." My stepfather said to my fourteen year old self as he sat on the bed next to me.


"Ah, ah. Do not speak without permission. Understood?"

I nodded, but was instantly slapped, "I asked a question, now reply, stupid girl!"

"Y-yes, sir." I replied with a slight attitude. I wasn't scared of him anymore, just tired of the same shit.

"Good. The game I want to play tonight is a game of truth. For each lie, you need to remove one piece of clothing. First question, you want me." It was more of a statement, but I knew that no matter my answer, I was taking off my shirt.

I answered, "yes." At least I wouldn't get hit, as well.

"If you did, then I wouldn't need to force you." He hinted at my shirt, telling me to take it off.

This went on until I was naked, all questions leading to lies and forcing my clothes off. He had never penetrated me, but I always braced myself incase he decided it was time. Instead, all he did that night was stare at my body, run his fingers up and down my lower lips, and work himself to an orgasm. Then, he turned me over and spanked me, leaving a handprint, before leaving me to cry out my frustration.

I forgot what I was supposed to do, but Snape seemed to be focused on something entirely different, "professor, please-"

"Explain what I just saw!" He looked livid.

"My stepfather... He has a thing against magic, so he uses my body to relieve stress. My mother is drunk most of the time, so I guess she doesn't satisfy him like a young girl does. Please, believe me when I say that he hasn't touched me since last summer-"

"Last summer?! Do you mean just a couple months ago?" He slammed his hands down on the counter.

I honestly felt scared, but not for my safety, "I-it was my fault. I-"

"Your fault?! You have got to be joking! Arabella, what that man did, was not your fault! What was the last time?" Before I even opened my mouth to answer, he slipped back in.

"Who is he?!" My stepfather had me by the neck against the wall.

"No one! Why are you here, anyway? Professor Lupin will be back any moment!" I cried.

"Who is Severus? I demand an answer!" He tightened his grip.

"Just a professor at school!"

"Then why did you moan out his name? You are a twisted little slut, aren't you?" He laughed as I gasped for air.

I tried my hardest to push him out of my head, and it worked. I collapsed to the floor and refused to look at him as I ran out into the hall. I didn't stop until I reached the Black Lake, where I fell to my knees and cried myself to sleep.

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