Secret's Revealed

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The next morning I opened my eyes and witnessed a peacefully sleeping Severus with his arms wrapped around me, holding me tightly close to him. I squinted as I turned my head to see the sun shining through his small window. I noticed he was shirtless and my heart pounded at what was underneath the blanket. I peeked underneath and was surprised to see his large outline in the briefs he wore.

"I do not remember giving you permission to check me out." He grumbled as he turned on his back.

"I-I'm sorry." I quickly said before stating, "classes resume today, you know."

He pulled me so that my head was laying on his chest, "how can I forget that the wench decided it was a pleasant idea to have classes the day after christmas?"

"I can see that you're not a morning person." I laughed when I looked up and saw a glare.

"It is not wise to make fun of your professor."

"I think it's adorable," which earned a scowl.

He propped up on one arm and remarked, "at least I do not get ridiculously drunk."

His hand rubbed down my cheek, stopping under my jaw, and continuously rubbed my cheek with his thumb. I didn't know what he was thinking, but morning Severus was sweeter than normal. While he was focused on my face, mostly my lips, I slid my hand across the space between us and lightly placed it on his member. I watched as his eyes grew wider and his body tense, stopping all action.

"Arabella." He tried to scorn, but his voice was a bit shaky.

"Severus." I replied in a seductive tone. I didn't know what came over me, but I felt like if I didn't do it now, I would lose every chance after.

With that, I began to rub him down and back up. I slowly leaned in so that our lips were nearly touching, hoping he would decide to close the space.

He did.

Forcefully did he push his lips into mine and lost all the self control he had. My heart was racing and before I knew it, my hand wasn't just rubbing him through his briefs, as those were gone, and my knickers were pushed down while his hands pushed my shirt up. I knew I broke him, but I also knew that after I left this bed, things wouldn't be the same.

Knowing that, I gripped him tight, but not painfully, and pumped him quickly, as we both seemed to be doing things quick-paced. We were both worked up, so I got on top of him, our most sensitive spots connected, and we just stared at each other. Before he could object, I slowly sank down on him, both of us watching each other's facial expressions.

His look of pleasure turned to shock. In a voice I've never heard, he started to say, "y-you were a-"

"Not anymore." I finished as I began moving up and down, rotating my hips while doing so.

His eyes rolled back a bit when he gripped my hips, helping them grind down into him. I couldn't help but moan, trying to keep it quiet as I was embarrassed. He must've noticed because in a flash he had us flipped, with him on top, "no use being shy now."

He smirked as he pounded into me, making my body shiver with pleasure and my moans loudly escape my mouth. His mouth fell on mine once more, his tongue attempting to gain dominance against mine. His hand bound my wrist above my hand, while his other explored my breasts. He groaned each time my other hand pulled his hair or my nails dug into his skin.

He lifted my legs so that they were near his shoulder. I had no idea that my lazy arse could stretch that much, but I didn't feel like questioning it as my moans turned into screams. I hoped to God that he had a silencing charm. As he rammed me, I swore he was going to break through my cervix and tear me apart, but no pain came, only pleasure, and soon after came our timely climax.

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