Chapter 3: The New Intiates

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Tris POV

"What is your name?" Tobias asked the first jumper
"Riley." The first jumper said
"Riley the first jumper!!" Tobias announced

The Rest of the initiates cam down after:

~Aubrey - Amity
~Paige - Candor
~ Zach - Candor
~Randall - Erudite
~Erica - Erudite
~Tommy - Amity
~Hannah - Candor
~ Anthony - Erudite
~Riley - Abnegation
~ Collin - Erudite

8 Dauntless born, 2 Amity, 3 Candor, 4 Erudite, and 1 Abnegation.

We then walked into the the Pit and introduced ourselves.

"I'm Four and this is Six we will be your instructors during your intiation. This is th-"
"Four and Six? Like the Numbers?" One of the Candor girls asked.
"Yes, is there a problem?" Four asked. "No." She said sheepishly
"Good, now as I was saying, this is the Pit, you will learn to love it, but this shows who is truly brave and who is truly am idiot." he continued.
"The Pit? Wow, you guys have clever names around here don't you?" She said sarcastically and then laughed. I saw this is as opportunity to take charge. So I marched up to her and took charge.
"What is your name?" I asked the Candor girl.
"Paige."'she said almost whispering.
"Well, PAIGE if I wanted to deal with your Candor smart mouth, I would have join their faction wouldn't I?!" I told her.
She was speechless, I turned around to find all the initiates mouths hanging open and Tobias trying to keep a straight face from his smile trying to break through. We then continued our tour, with no more interruptions.

"Okay, this is where we split off, the Dauntless born with Me, I believe you don't need a tour, and the transfers with Four and Six." The Dauntless all smirked and ran off with Lauren. We then showed them the Dauntless Compound and took them to the training room for Eric to give his annual speech. As he talked about life hear in Dauntless, I decided to talk to Tobias.
" How do you think I did?" I asked him
"Amazing.You got them all scared to death." He smirked.
"What did you say?!" Eric said to one of the Erudite transfers.
" Your mom." He whispered softly but loud enough for me to still hear.
"No! I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" He whinced. Eric raised his hand about ready to slap the red headed Erudite when Tobias ran up and grabbed his wrist restraining him from hitting him. I don't think Tobias would react well to someone being beaten.
"Stop." He said in his instructor voice. Eric turned to the transfer, Randall I think is his name.
" You got lucky that Four is more of a softy than I am, I could have made you faction less if I wanted too, you are lucky I am so forgiving, don't let it happen again." As of that, he walked out, I told you he some anger issues We then dismissed them all to go to the dormitory to get rested up for training in the morning.

We decide to go back to my apartment and hang out a little bit. When we got there the door was cracked a little bit, Christina must have made it home already. I was about to yell her name, when I saw Christina holding a small box in her hand and,Will bent down on one knee.
"Christina, I have love you, I have never been this happy my entire life, when I'm with you, I know the impossible can happen. There is no one I rather spend the rest of my life with than you. Would you do this extraordinary honor of marrying me?"

Christina POV

I couldn't believe this was happening, I mean I knew this would happen someday, but I wasn't expecting it this soon. Am I ready? I am still so young to be getting married, I am not even 18 yet, It hasn't even been a year since we started dating! Only a few months! But the one thing I know is I love him with all my heart.
"Would you do this extraordinary honor of marrying me?" He asked me
I was speechless, I can't make a decision right now, I told him the one answer that would brake his heart, and mine to tell him this,
"Maybe, I need some time to think."
I couldn't stand seeing the heartbreak on his face, I ran into my room and fell on my bed crying.

Tris POV

Christina ran into her room crying, rather it was smart or not, I ran after her. She was on her bed sobbing. I went and sat on the edge and rubbed her back to try to get her to calm down and talk. About 1o minutes later, she was finally calmed down enough to talk.
"So did you hear everything that happen?" She asked me.
"Yeah..." I replied
"Do you think he hates me or doesn't want to talk to me ever again, or BOTH?!" She panicked.
"Of course he doesn't, he loves you."I said trying to calm her down.
" What am I going to do?"
" Do you want to marry him?"
" Yes. No. I don't know. I love him a lot. But I think I am still too young to get married, but it is more that we have only dating for a few months and I fell like we would be rushing into it." She confessed.
"Well I think you found out what you want too tell him." I said.
"What if he wants to break up after that? I don't know if I could handle it.
" It would be hard, I get it, but if he truly meant what he said, he can can wait until you are ready too." I said.
"This is why you are my best friend." She said and then she gave me a long, meaningful, well needed hug.
"Okay, I'm tired and it has been a long day, I am going to bed." I yawned.

~The Next Day~

I decide to not wake Christina since she could use the extra rest from last nights "incident". So I head down to the cafeteria hoping to find Tobias there, but all I found was a unsober, I believe, Will.
"Hey Will, how are you doing?"'I ask trying not to startle him from his sleep. He jumps up and falls on his back.
"Oh, hey Tris I thought you were Christina.." He said with a disappointed look on his face.
"Tris, can I ask you a question?" He asked.


Author's Note:

Hey guys! Happy Easter🐣🐰🌈❤️
Cliff Hanger >:D lol Don't hate me! I wanted to give you an update for the holiday!
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