Chapter 6: What am I going to do?

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I couldn't believe him! After all we have been through, he just goes off and cheats on me?! I thought I knew him?! I thought he was my one and only, I thought he loved me. Maybe this is all just a misunderstanding, but how? i dont know, but I do know I can't face Tobias right now. There's only one place I know I can go to get away.

Tobias POV

What just happened?! Whats wrong with Tris? She must of seen Riley try to kiss me! I have to find Tris and explain what happened.

Riley and I were walking through the Pit, every time I tried to get away she just interrupted me and continued talking. Don't get me wrong, Riley is really sweet, too sweet. She never could make it in Dauntless, she is so sweet and adorable, she is more of an Amity kinda girl. We then stopped and she just stared down at the water.
"I never felt like I belonged anywhere, I never felt like I had a home, until I co
came here. You make me feel brave and special, like I have a purpose." I kinda was shocked, she couldn' me? So I said something to cover it up, let her down easy.
"Yes Dauntless can do that to you, i changed my life also. I have found an amazing girl here."
"Dauntless doesn't make me feel special, you do. I was hoping you would feel this way" Before I could react she kissed me. It was only a few seconds until I spotted Tris and she blew up and ran off."

"Why on Earth did you do that? Are you stupid? I have a girlfriend, or had one, thanks to you she broke up with me!" I started screaming at Riley. I sounded harsh, but I couldn't help it, I was hurt. I could tell she was holding back tears.

"I wasn't thinking, I-"

"That's your problem, you weren't thinking, now thanks to your idiocy I lost my everything! Now get out of here before I get angry."

Riley wasn't really smart, but she was smart enough to keep her mouth shut and just leave. What am I going to do? Well first, I have to find Tris and sort everything out. Hopefully she is understanding enough to listen and forgive me. As soon as she left, I started running to the one place I hoped Tris would be, with Christina. Every time something happens, she goes to Christina. I get to their apartment and knock on the door to have Will answer.

"Hey man, what's up?" Will asked.
"Hey Will, is Christina here?" I asked
"Yeah she's here, is everything okay, you seem... Tense." He said
"Not really, I really need to talk to her." I demmanded. As I walked in through the door, Christina's fist met my face. Wow, for a girl her size, she has a hard punch.
"YOU LOW LIFE, HEARTLESS, POOR EXCUSE FOR A BOYFRIEND, YOUR A PIECE OF SCUM, A TOTAL PANSYCAKE, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO HER, AFTER EVERYTHING YOU GUYs WENT THROUGH!!!!!!!!" Christina raged and screamed at me. Will stood there totally clueless of what is going on right now.
"Okay, okay, I know your upset, but let me explain." I said with my voice shaky, as Christina glared me down with her hawk eyes, I never thought I would be scared of a girl like her. I then proceeded to explain to her what happened with Riley and I, she just sat their staring at me the whole time, not saying a word.

"Okay, I believe you. I knew you wouldn't do that." She said softly. I returned with a smile. She then had a look of fear in her and then glanced at Will.

"What?" I asked
No Response.
"What?!" I asked more sternly.
"Four, Tris went back to Abnegation." Christina said.


Author's Note:
OOOOOOOOO what happens next!
Sorry I haven't updated in a while, end of the year madness.
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Qotd: What do you think of Riley?'
The character Riley is actually based on my friend Riley (aka lacie809 on Wattpad) she also has a Divergent fanfic you should all read! :D
Love you my little rebels ;) My new nickname for you guys!
Love Always,
Paige Harper (dauntlesspaige)

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