Chapter 17: Round Two

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Tobias POV

"What is it?" I ask a little too quickly.

"Tris will be perfectly fine, we need to keep her for a little while but she will be fine.."

I give out a breath I have been holding in"

"Thank god! I'm glad every-"

"I'm not finished. There is a slight accident that occurred. I'm not going to go into all the medical details, but when Peter stabbed Tris, he had done it twice, quite deep. He had injured your son's legs, he still has them but there is a 95% chance he will be immobile."

"He won't be able to walk?" Christina said in shock

"Most likely yes, but we may be able..."

The doctor some useless nonsense trying to make us not be totally depressed on a very depressing situation.

... so there is always ho-"

"Does Tris know?" I ask

"She is still sleeping but we will inform her when she wakes up and then you may be able to see her."

"Also we will be giving her a C-Section tomorrow, she is in no condition for giving natural birth" the doctor exclaimed as she went back to the rooms.

I then say with no feeling


Tris POV

I sit there in deep shock, the doctor has left the room with the most heartbreaking news, my baby won't be able to use their legs. He'll never feel the joy of running freely or dancing or simply moving around. Then my one hope of joy walks in. He gives me a relieving kiss that almost makes me believe everything is alright.

"How are you feeling?" he asks

"In a little pain but I'm okay"

"Not about that, about our son."

I then start feeling tears roll down my face without even thinking about it. I wipe them away and try to recoup.

"I'm heartbroken, but there isn't much we can do except love him even more" I say trying to stay positive

"I love you.  You are the bravest person I know. How did I ever become so lucky to deserve you" he kisses my forehead. I smile back at him reminiscing in the peacefulness well-needed. Except that did last long. I let out a painful scream

I try to get out a sentence through all my groaning

"Get...!" Tobias is zoned out for a minute but runs and gets the doctor. I continue to scream.

Christina POV

Will, Zeke, Uriah, Shauna, Marlene, and I all wait in the waiting room for news.

We hear the door open and see Four walk out with a smile on his face. Everything went fine (for once)

We all let out a laugh at the brutal honesty.

"Can we see them?!" Marlene bursting with excitement

"Yes of course, come on"

We all pile into the tiny hospital room to see Tris with her beautiful twins.

"Aww how cute!" Zeke squealed, we all stared at him in shock

"I like kids" Zeke expressed

"Good to know" winked Shauna

"So do they have names yet?" I asked holding the baby girl

"Yes, the girl's name is Luna and the boy's name is Abner." Tris said

"Luna and Abner? Why?
Uriah asks

"Luna means moon and Abner means Sun" Four told

"That's sweet!" Uriah exclaims

We all stand around passing the babies and for once seems peaceful

Tris POV

6 months later

I sit at home watching our baby girl crawling around faster and faster the more she tries as our baby boy is in his bouncer giggling and smiling watching his sister and dad chase each other around

My 8 and a half months pregnant best friend sits beside me with her husband, my other best friend. Life won't always stay this way, we all will face many more challenges and issues and heartbreaks, but for now we enjoy each other's love and joy.

Then Christina's water broke.



Author's Note:
Hey! I finished! Yayyayay!

Thank you all who continue reading when I was MIA and have been there since the beginning! I love you all!

QOTC: What do you think of the babies name?

Thanks everyone

~Paige (dauntlesspaige)

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