Chapter 14: It's time

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Tris POV

Being Pregnant Sucks. Seriously, like it's awful. Never ending pain, wanting food all the time, barely be able to do anything. And when you're in Dauntless, it's ten times worse. I'm now 8 and half months pregnant and the baby could come anytime now. Things have been crazy these past few months, Shauna is still copping with the loss of her sister. We still don't know what actually happened that day. Tobias has been busy working a lot lately. But tonight, Chris, Will, and Tobias and I are going to have a "couple's night". It's not really my think. I decide to go roam around Dauntless for a little while since I have no job to attend to because of this dumb pregnancy. I roam around for a little while and decide to visit Tori.

"Hey, I've missed you!" Tori squeals and runs over to me when I walk in.

"Hi, I'm glad I'm here to see you. I've missed you so much what's new?"

"Nothing much, tattoos, sleep. Tattoos." That makes me smile, she always knows how to make me laugh.

"I was wondering if you could do me a favor, could you put me through my fear landscape?" I asked

"Tris, I don't know how that will go with your pregnancy and all." She sounded worried

"Please, Just one time!" I begged. She was on the fence and then she sighed

"Fine, but one time!" We then ran to the simulation room, it brings back so many memories from intiation. Tori then injects the serum and I began to doze off.

I wake up in a field and a storm is coming in, I look down and see my huge stomach. How did I get here? This isn't real, this isn't real. I look up and birds circling around me and coming down. They start to peck me everywhere, I scream from the pain, but I act quickly and start to get away. And I get away from the crows. I stopped running and began to breather. Someone covers my mouth and pull me back. I then start to panic, not because I was being kidnapped but because it's time. I'm going into labor.

Tori POV

I sit in front of the screen and watch Tris go through her first fear. She struggles at first but gets away easily. She runs and begins her second fear, abduction. A Man in a mask grabs her but something happens to her that I was afraid of, she's in labor. I panic because she can't exit the simulation until she goes through all her fears, but since shes in labor it takes a while. Someone bursts through the doors, the one person I can't deal with right now. Crap.


Author's Note:

Sorry short chapter

Qotc: Who do you think Tori saw?

Hey Guys I just finished the book, Four. So amazing!

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-Paige (dauntlesspaige)

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