Chapter 7: Returning Home

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Tobias POV

I felt like my heart had been shattered into a million pieces. As Christina said those words, I felt my heart split in two.

"Why?" Is all I could get out of my mouth.
"She had a.."issue" she plan on telling you about, and after she saw you and Riley, she wanted to leave and visit home, she said she would be back, but she needed a break. She got permission from Max and left about a hour ago."
I had to see her, I have to make a trip to Abnegation, even if it means facing my worst fear, but Tris is more than worth it. I then got and walked out of the apartment back to mine. I then heard footsteps running to catch up to me, I assumed it was just Christina and Will so i just kept walking.

"What are you doing?" Christina asked me
"Leaving" I replied
"Where to exactly?"
"Abnegation, I have to see Tris."
"I don't think that's a good idea, what makes you think she will to talk to you there if she didn't want to see you here?" She asked.
"That doesn't matter, she has to know the truth." I told her as I reached my apartment. I went to my closet and dug through it and found exactly what I was looking for. I opened the box to see my old Abnegation clothes. I then grabbed a grey bag and threw them in there and grabbed some other toiletries to travel with. I also grabbed some food for the ride their and a sandwich in case I get hungry later. My guess is Tris is staying with her parents, so I will check there first, hopefully I don't run into...him. I then said goodbye to Christina and Will and headed to see Max.

~Time Lapse~

"Why on earth would I let you leave Dauntless?" Max asked me sternly.
"Tris, she upset about something drastic, I have to explain to her what happened. I explained
"What is so "drastic"?" He asked
"A personal issue came up between a few of us." I said
"Well your personal business is not to my concern. Good Day Four." He said trying to dismiss me away.
"I think your going to let me leave, one way or another." I said arrogantly.
"And why is that?" He asked me with the fear in his eyes.
"I know your secret."

Tris POV

I sat in the train cart in my old grey Abnegation clothes quietly sobbing to myself. I needed time away from all my troubles, when my mother came to visit me one time, she said I am always welcome there, and no one can stop me because of my fathers high authority in the government. I then started to say all the old, plain, grey house I remembered which seems like so long ago. I jumped off the train hoping no one saw me, it's the middle of the day so everyone is probably busy. I head down to the house trying to hide my face as best as possible, I still had a key that I had the day of the choosing cermony, so I find my house and unlock the door. I walk in to see exactly what I saw when I left that morning for the Choosing Cermony. I walk up the stairs to find my old room, everything looks untouched. The only thing I'm worried about is my father. He never reacted well to me going to Dauntless, he never visited me after I left. I then walk across the hall to Caleb's room, unlike my room, things I have been moved. On a desk in his room are stacks of books he must have hidden behind furniture or under his bed. I then felt a rush if betrayl, he left Abnegation for Erudite, yes I left for Dauntless, but at least he didn't leave to the faction our faction hated! It really doesn't matter because I will probably never see Caleb again, he there and I'm here. I here someone open the door downstairs. I run down the stairs ready to greet my mom or dad, but instead I see the one person I wanted to escape right now the infamous, Tobias.

Tobias POV

I walked in to see Tris staring at me in disgust. She had a look of not hate, but disappoint and sorrow but still anger in her eyes.
"What are you doing here?" She spat out in disgust.
"I came to explain what happened last nig-"I started before she interrupted me.
"I don't want to hear your excuses or lies just leave!" She demmanded. But I wouldn't give in that easily.
"Hear me out, if you still,absolutely can't stand me after that Ill leave and never bother again." She shook her head in agreement.
"Listen I was talking to Riley and she forced me along to help her find her away around Dauntless when I went to look for you, I thought I would leave her and hope to find you while looking around Dauntless, Riley must have got the wrong idea, and try to kiss me. It only lasted a few seconds when I pulled away and saw you. I honestly have never been in so much agony over the pain I must of caused you, I love Tris, your my world, I would go to Earth's end for you if that is what it takes for you to forgive me."

Tris POV

I couldn't help but smile with tears rolling down my face, I'm too emotional, blame it on the pregnancy.
"I forgive you." I said as I ran into his arms and into a passionate kiss. Our lips in sync as we stood there in a little Abnegation house kissing passionatley, that's when I realized this would be a good time to tell him the news. I pulled away and stared into his gorgeous eyes.
"What's wrong?" He asked me worriedly
"We need to talk, come with me." I grabbed his hand and pulled him outside to our small backyard.
"What is it?" He asked me. I was scared how he would react. If he meant everything he said, he would stay with me. So I just decide to blurt it out.
"I'm pregnant."
He had the most shocked face anyone could ever imagine, and with that he fainted.
Author's Note:
What did you think of this chapter? :)
What do you think Max's secret is?
How will Tris's Parents react to her arrival or pregnancy?
Do you think Marcus will see Tobias?
The More comments and votes I get, the sooner the update! :)
Qotd: What do you want Tris's baby name to be? Boy or Girl? I have a couple names in mind, but I still want to hear your ideas!
I love my little rebels! ;)
~Paige Harper (dauntlesspaige)

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