Lexi's P.O.V
I woke up a couple of times in the night. I mean what was left of It. Jeff did kidnap me around 2, plus I have no idea how long that walk took. I woke up facing the wall. The sun was coming though the room, and It took me a second to remember I wasn't home. I closed my eyes tightly. Still on the fact it may be a dream and when I open them I'll see my one direction posters and anime theme song lyrics on the wall. I prop myself on my elbows and count back from 5 in my head. 5....4...3...2...1
"YOU SLEPT." I open my eyes to find Jeff right. there. Smiling. Like a kid in a candy shop. Course I screamed.
His voice was lower then usual. So he must have also just woke up. But it was still inviting and kinda...cute. On the fact he's happy I went to sleep. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me.
"Yes Jeff I see"
My voice went up and down, due to the fact he was shaking me. Violently enough, that my hair was in my face by the end of our contact. Since we were so close I noticed something. His eyes are grey. A pretty kinda grey....really pretty. As soon as he noticed I was staring, he let me go and stood up. I wouldn't take him as the insecure type. Before I could say anything he walked out. Well then. I quickly got up and followed. I mean what else was I supposed to do? I have no idea where I am or what to do.
The mansion was gigantic. The hall itself was as wide as a 3 school halls (I'm exaggerating. but still it's huge.) and I took a look behind me to see a door as wide as a queen sized bed (I'm not lying this time I swear it was insane) with one of those bronze knocking thingys. You know, the ones you lift to knock with. Slendys room no doubt.
I turn back in front of me still walking with Jeff. He slightly turned and saw me and jumped.
"Woah what the."
I just scared Jeff the killer. Props to me.
"Why are you following me."
"I don't know where anything is."
"Oh...uh okay well. The bathroom is down the hall to the right"
He said right. But his hands motioned left.
"And the game room is at then end of hall one. And the movie room is right uh there"
He pointed to the left of us.
"And like. the kitchen is just right there where im heading. Slendy makes breakfast every morning"
As he's talking I just inspect him. His over use of the word "uh" even though he lives here. The way he bites his lip to concentrate. I'm not short, but he towers over me. My forehead is to his chin almost. It'd be intimidating if I didn't know he's kinda harmless....in a way. His hair was shoulder length. Like mine. But a bit shorter. He messes with it a lot. Its cute. I'm not sure if he only wears that one hoody, or if he has several. Buts it's all I've seen him in. I've only seen both of his hands out once. And he was dragging a dead girl in his closet. He usually has one hand in his hoody pocket and the other is doing whatever it needs to be doing. Not even when I first met were both hands out.
"And that's it."
Was the icing on his cake. I lightly smile up at him even though I only caught like 42% of what he said.
"Bless you"
"No I mean. That's thanks in Japanese."
I could hear him lightly laugh as we walked into the kitchen. Slenderman was reading a book with his hands. While his tentacles did all the work. One was flipping pancakes, one was frying bacon and eggs, one was toasting, and one was just. Tapping. On the counter. It was amazing
"Hi ho slendy"
"Hello slenderman" I said as nice as possibly
"Mhm." he replied annoyed.
I tried. We sat down at the counter which was as long as a counter at the bar. Slendy used his tentacles to slide our plates across the counter right in front of us without batting an eye (cuz he has none) Jeff quickly devoured his bacon.
"Bacon too crispy?"
"No slendy." Annoyance rather clear in one little question.
"You ask me every morning"
"Ask what every morning?" Him sounding innocent for once. Jeff sighed and turned to me
"Every morning he asks me if the bacon is too crispy. I say no slendy. You ask every morning. Then he says ask what every morning. This happens every morning. He seems to piss me off every. Morning."
I couldn't help but laugh. He rolled his eyes But smiled. I like his natural smile. But mine faded. And I asked something I regret.
"Who was that girl? Under the bed."
He stopped eating and slendy was in the middle of turning a page and he even paused.
"Who was she?"
"My ex girlfriend."
I stiffened up in my seat a bit.
"....Why'd you kill her?"
"You ask a lot of questions."
"I'm a curious person."
"Curiosity killed the cat, human." He sounded rather angry so I stopped. It went quiet. Only thing that was heard was slendy turning a page every couple of seconds. Jeff broke the silence.
"She cheated. And as you can imagine, it pissed me off. So I gave her what she deserved."
"No one deserved what you did to her..."
He dropped his fork and his hand slammed on the counter making me jump.
"What did you just say to me?" His voice getting louder. He was looking at me and I was looking at my plate but from the corner of my eye, those grey eyes went black.
"....No one deserves to be killed...especially that brutally...every one deserves life and no one has the right to take it away from them. Especially over a mistake."
That did it. He slide everything off the table, and threw his chair across the room. Grabbed his glass and smashed it against the wall. He stomped out and a few seconds later his door slammed.
"Shouldnt have done thaaat." slendy taunted.
I almost got up to follow and apologize but a voice behind me stopped me
"I wouldn't do that if I were you. Just let him throw his tantrum."
I turned to see Jack leaning against the wall. And I saw something I don't think I'll ever forget. His mask was up to his mouth. So I saw the black smirk on his face. And his white teeth. Sharpened to points. Jack was the care free one but, I had a feeling He was a bit more messy then Jeff or slendy.
"We kill cuz it's fun princess. End of discussion."
We heard Jeff screaming and throwing things. Profanity after profanity. Scream after scream. It was terrifying I'm not gonna lie. His yells were so loud, that it made me cringe. They didn't sound mad....they sounded so full of pain and frustration. There's something about him that I can't figure out. What happened to him.
After what seemed like forever it stopped. And after it did I ran in. And saw exactly what I expected. You couldn't even tell it was a room anymore. Mattress was even in ruins. Broken glass from the window on the floor. His knuckles bleeding and holes in the walls. Closet door was gone and he was standing in the middle of his room. Breathing heavily. He turned around to face me and I wasn't expecting a knife thrown at me, sticking to the wall right beside my head.
Sorry for the late update guys! I'm just really lazy cx. I love you allll xoxo

Shattered Beauty of a Monster (Jeff the killer fanfic)
FanfictionHe's only felt this love for one person and one person only. He just doesn't want the same thing to happen again. He just doesn't want to let her down. But his insanity stands in the way of everything. Sometimes even his emotions.