Jeff's P.O.V
I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I heard a crack when she was slammed against that tree and she started coughing up blood. She looked as if she was going into shock until her eyes closed. A pool of blood was forming under her and I just couldn't fucking get free. I heard slenderman laugh.
"You're a monster too Jeff," He replied. "You just need to go back to your roots is all. Get her out the way and you'll be back to normal."
He threw me on the ground with such force, the wind got knocked out of my and my vision blurred. I gasped for air, grabbing at my chest but nothing came in. I knew he was doing this, teasing me. Wanting me to suffer. I lift my back from the ground, trying to get at least an ounce of air into my lungs.
Just don't pass out.
Was all I kept thinking. If I passed out I knew I'd wake up to disaster. Darkness was slowly creeping in and I clawed at my chest and neck. My eyes were starting to shut.
No. No no no no.
I turned and saw her. Lying there. Getting more pale by the second. I couldn't handle that sight. I tried crawling to her but I had no luck. No success.
I'm sorry Alexia.
And with that I laid on my back. Letting the pain and darkness consume me. Looking at the stars. I remember teaching her the constellations. So if she ever got lost she'd look at the sky and find me again.
I wonder if she ever got anything from that.
And I shut my eyes. Giving up.
But suddenly I could breathe again. All the air coming back at once, I started coughing hysterically. I quickly sat up as my lungs started filling up again. I heard faint yelling and everything was blurry. As my senses came back I look over and see what seems like a blob hitting another blob. What the hell. I squinted my eyes and everything slowly started coming back. Is that....Jack?
I remember seeing him earlier but slendy grabbed him and threw him somewhere. Wasn't really paying much attention.
My senses were back and I was right. Jack was giving his all against slendy. Thank God I have my bestfriend back.
I suddenly remembered Lex and got up and ran over to her body. I checked her pulse. It was light but it was there. But then I looked over at Jack and slendy. And Jack looked back.
"I'VE GOT THIS JUST TAKE HER." He yelled but I could hear a faint smile in his voice.
"YOU BETTER FORGIVE ME FOR THIS, AFTER ALL I'M A BETTER FIGHTER THEN YOU." He said as he was lifted by a tentacle and thrown on the ground. But he quickly got up and got a really good stab on slenders side, making him hiss.
I got up, cradling Lex and started running towards the house. She just kept coughing up blood which meant she was bleeding internally which sucks for me, do you honestly think I'm a surgeon of any kind?
But as I looked down at her, she looked. Peaceful. I havent seen her in sometime so I haven't been able to watch her sleep. (Shut up, I sleep like an hour every night what else am I suppose to do?) And so I haven't seen her in this state for a bit. I missed it. I'd enjoy it more if I didn't know she was dying. I finally got to the house even though it felt like a hundred years. But I can still hear them fighting.
I ran in and gently sat her on the couch. I rushed into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit, and jumped from behind the couch almost tripping and falling on the glass table that sits right in front of it. But I caught myself and got on my knees, fumbling with the stupid latch on the damn thing. I finally got it open and dumped everything out. I saw a bunch of bottles and medicines and pills. I guess they're pain killers. Her injuries are pretty bad so I should give of each right?
"Wow you're bad at this. Which would kill me first, overdose or bleeding out. Book written by me."
I quickly look up and see that she's awake. And still has a sense of humor. She let out a tiny weak giggle. I love her so much.
"How did you hear me?"
"You were thinking out loud."
Cut me some slack I was stressed okay.
"Morphine darling."
"Oh...oh right uh..."
"The cute bottle with the clear stuff that says morphine that's beside the needle."
She's really smart. I put the needle on the top and it sucked up the clear stuff and she told me when it was enough. I shot it up into her arm and she smiled at me.
"Okay so uh," She slowly lifted up her arm. "Well if my spine was broken I wouldn't be able to do that. It hurts like hell to breathe and talk so I think my rib punctured my lung. So therefore my lungs are filling with blood as we speak and I need a hospital."
I think she was saying it calmly to keep me calm. But it wasn't really helping. If you can imagine so, I can't just walk into a hospital.
"How is that gonna work."
"I'm gonna pass out soon so figure it out." She lightly smiled at me and I sighed.
I lifted her up. Here we go.
I stood there. In front of the hospital. Hoody on. I looked down at the sleeping beauty in my arms. She passed out about half way here. Blood usually calms but down but hers make me nauseous. I scoped out scene, it was pretty late so not many people were around. A stretcher was outside the door so quietly but quickly walked up to it, setting her on it. And pulled her back a bit on it. The doors are automatic so it just helps me more. And with one quick but smooth shove, the stretcher and her rolled up to the door, it opened and people saw her. Immediately rushing to her. I smiled to myself.
She's strong. She'll make it.
A nurse ran outside looked around, her eyes stopped on me standing in the almost empty parking lot. And I slightly turned my head to the side. And waved slowly. She freaked and ran back inside, and I loved that. I mean I am covered in a good amount of blood, some being black. Any one smart would do the same. I decided I'd just sit there and wait. So I did, crossing my legs together as I sat. And I waited.

Shattered Beauty of a Monster (Jeff the killer fanfic)
FanfictionHe's only felt this love for one person and one person only. He just doesn't want the same thing to happen again. He just doesn't want to let her down. But his insanity stands in the way of everything. Sometimes even his emotions.