The weigh down.

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Lexi's P.O.V

We heard them before we saw them. Jack put his arm in front of me and told me to stop, so he could go in front of me scope out the scene. I nodded and watched him walk out in front of me. And not seconds later did he just come flying back into sight. Literally flying because he was thrown, smashing into a tree snapping it in half. Hitting the cold ground with a thud. Welp obviously things are pretty intense.

"I w-would wait a bit b-before going over there." He groaned out.

"Yeah right." Was my response.

I walked forward and turned to see both of them. The moonlight glimmering against their blood on the ground. They both looked exhausted. But fighting with all their might. I ducked as a limb was thrown by slenderman, missing Jeff. I let out a scream as I ducked down causing both of them to look in my direction.

"Lexi leave!" Jeff yelled while panting.

If slenderman had eyes he'd be glaring at me.

"NOW LEX!" He yelled even louder.

And it clicked. He'd use me against Jeff.

I started running in the opposite direction as fast as I could.

"DON'T YOU DARE FUCKING TOUCH HER." Jeff screamed out, his voice booming off the trees surrounding us.

Slenderman of course didnt care. He started coming after me, pushing trees out the way like theyre sticks. My heart dropped as I turned and saw him coming after me at such an inhuman speed. I made my legs carry me farther and faster, ducking under trees and jumping over limbs and rocks. My breath was increasingly fading as the moon was my only light helping know where i'm going. Then I felt something grab my foot and I fell. Hard. Knocking the air out of me. I tried grabbing anything I could to stop myself from retracting backwards. Mumbling no over and over as I just kept sliding backwards not at least slowing the inevitable.

I then was lifted upside down. Face to face once again. He took something out of his pocket. A needle filled with some purple stuff.

"Take this. And inject him with it. And then before he dies, slit your throat and make sure he's watching." His words spilled so nonchalant and I couldn't help but nod to meet his request.

He gently let me down and I took the needle. Tears streaming down my face as I saw him running up. He looked at me and then back at his enemy.

"What'd you do to her." I saw his fists clench.

"She's mine now." He said as if their was a smirk in his voice.

"J-Jeff." I whispered out.

And his eyes turned to me. I took a step towards him, trying to stop myself but I couldn't.

"L-leave. I'm gonna h-hurt you."

"I'm not leaving you."

I then sprinted towards him, needle raised. I tried stabbing it into him but he dodged it, I repeated this, him moving right before each hit every time. Tears blocking my vision but it felt like I was some video game, and slenderman held the controller.

"Jeff I'm s-sorry."

"Baby you have to try snapping out of it."

I had him pinned against a tree, needle edging ever so closely to his neck. He could easily push me off so why won't he?

"Darling. Stop."

"M-make me stop. Push m-me off, stab me, get me off of you! I can't help this!"

"You know I can't do that." He sounded so okay with this.

He slid away from the tree and I stabbed it. The needles tip bending against it. I quickly turned and saw with a knife against his own neck and I couldn't move.

"Lex. Put it down. Or I'll do it."

"END HIM SLAVE." Slendermans voice bounced off the trees.

I took a single step. But I quickly stepped back. And Jeff smirked, knowing he's getting to me.

"Put it down baby." His soothing voice giving me butterflies.

I lowered my arm slowly.


And with that my arm raised again.

Jeff tightened his grip and slowly slid the knife. One drop of blood falling. I felt sick watching this and every spell I had on me was broken. My mind wasn't telling me that even if he did do this he'd survive, it was telling me stop him at all costs no matter what.

"NO JEFF STOP." I screamed out dropping the needle and beginning to run to him but was halted.

Slenderman came in between us. Lifting both of us with his tentacles.

"I have had enough. Of the both of you," His grip tightened on my waist immensely, causing me to scream out. And I heard Jeff yell out too. "I will not be made a fool out of by a human. And a boy with wild hormones. You. Human. Will die tonight. And you Jeff. Will be spared because I am generous."

I was then thrown against a tree. My eyes widened as I slid to the ground with a horrible pain in my back. I couldn't move. I tasted blood and felt it drip from the sides of my mouth, coughing it up. My vision blurred and a single tear fell from my eye down my cheek. And the last thing I heard was Jeff yelling my name before everything went black.


ah. ahhh. dyin. ah

song for the chapter: the weigh down by the amity affliction.

guise i only have a couple chapters left ahhhh. This has been a great experience. Second book or naaah?

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