Lexi's P.O.V
The walk back was quiet. He had explained he can't even look at a mirror without going on a rampage that Jack and slendy can barely get under control. So they cover them up. And about his brother. And the note that I almost opened was his. And that he hasn't given it to him yet. So I shouldn't read it before he does. All I could say to that was that I'm sorry. What else was there to say? He believes that he can still physically give him that note. I have no right to say the opposite because I've never lost anyone close to me. So I just let him talk. And cry a bit. And talk some more.
He also told me he cares for me so much because I remind him of his brother. Which I thought was sweet since I know how much he loves him. And that we'd be great friends and that I could visit him one day soon. Which I gladly agreed to. Who wouldn't?
"Jeff?" I said breaking the endless silence.
"Have those thoughts stopped. I mean. The suicidal ones."
"Ever since you came along, they've been quieter. Less forceful. Less of a worry."
He smiled at me. He has the most amazing smile.
"......Do you think. Maybe you could. Kill less. Since I'm around now and the urges have stopped?"
His smile faded a bit.
"That's a lot to ask lex."
"I know. And I totally get if you don't want to or can't or-"
"Oh I could easily stop. Its more of a want then a need."
I bit my lip looking over at him. Not wanting to upset him again. This is a sensitive subject for him.
"You're worth it."
I felt myself blush. And I smiled widely at him and hugged him tightly.
"No more killing. For you."
"Thank you Jeff."
"Yeah whatever."
I heard a smile in his voice as he rested his chin on the top of my head. Swaying me lightly back and forth in his arms.
"Soooo." He dragged out.
"When do we have se-"
"JEFF." I screamed cutting him off.
"When is later exactly."
I hit his chest and he just laughed and smiled down at me. Cheeky.
Jeff's P.O.V
It felt nice talking to lex. Venting to her. Telling her my feelings and then her telling me how much she cares for me. She's so amazing. Lui is gonna so love her. Can't wait for them to finally meet. She makes me feel less by myself in this world.
Her tiny punches on my chest tickled more then hurt. She's so cute. I wasn't kidding about the sex thing but eh. I guess gotta wait for the best. Oh wait. Is she.
"Are you a virgin?"
She stopped hitting me immediately and looked up at me shocked. Her cheeks went red and she looked like she was holding her breath.
"It will be when later rolls around." I smirked.
Messing with her is my favorite pass time not gonna lie. Her vulnerability is cute. And a turn on. Mostly cute though (kinda). She started walking away with a little stomp while swinging her arms.
"OH HEY BABE COME BACK." I yell while laughing.
I followed while chuckling and picked her up from behind. And I kissed her cheek and spun her around. Her laugh and squeals made me laugh. Hard enough to the point where we both fall over on the ground together. Laughing at nothing. Her grip on me is so tight. And I don't want her to let go.
"You need to apologize to the bunny."
"Do I really have to."
"This is me demanding."
I sighed and got up and walked to the dead rabbit and picked it up in my hands.
"Hey look Peter cotton tail." I heard her laugh behind me.
"I'm sorry I killed you. I would say I didn't mean it But that would be a lie. So please accept my apology. You're soft and cute and I love you. Peter."
"That was sweet."
"We can bury him in a box behind the mansion."
She smiled. I was shooting for that. I put little Peter in my hoody pocket and started walking again. Holding her hand. She ignored the fact it was bloody.
"Hey beautiful?"
She looked up at me.
"Is it later yet."
Proud of this chapter to toot my own horn lol. SOOOO MAANNY REAADDS OMG IS THIS REAL LIFE. ILYSM GUYSS. I really enjoy doing this story it really gets my mind off stupid shit for a bit. I love you all once again xoxox

Shattered Beauty of a Monster (Jeff the killer fanfic)
FanficHe's only felt this love for one person and one person only. He just doesn't want the same thing to happen again. He just doesn't want to let her down. But his insanity stands in the way of everything. Sometimes even his emotions.