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Lexi's P.O.V

I woke up in a random room. I knew it was the mansion because they're was a chandelier and it was wood walls. Just like all of the mansion. It also smelled of blood but that just might be my own.

My head was pounding, and I tasted something bitter in my mouth. One of those assholes knocked me out. I sit up and groan from the headache. I know things are gonna get a lot worse before they get better.

I saw something move in the corner of my eye and I jumped up and turned quickly. Putting up my fist ready to face whatever came my way. And there, in a pool of blood I saw a red drenched Jeff laying on the floor. His hair was wet with blood and his white hoody was now crimson. He kept trying to push himself up with his elbows but just collapsed. Mumbling profanities each time. I just stood there. Not knowing if it was real or not. If slenderman was just playing with me again.

".....Jeff..?" I said quietly as if I was scared of a reply.

"You're up f-finally princess." He looked up at me again and did that famous Jeff smirk before collapsing again.

I quickly got back on my knees and crawled over to him, ignoring the fact he's so drenched in his own blood. I smile as tears well up in my eyes and I let him rest his head in my lap.

"Y-you got us into deep shit l-lex."

"I know and im s-"

"No no d-darling don't apologize. You just wanted to s-see this beautiful smile again I get it."

Finally I have him back. I smiled at his remark because I just couldn't help the fact I missed him. His warmth. His voice. Just everything. Even his self centered remarks were comforting. I think that's love dude.

"I woke up like an h-hour ago and i've been c-crawling to you ever s-since."

I looked up and saw a blood trail. Where the trail started wasnt that far away but. He's obviously in a lot of pain.

"What happened to you..?"

I reach for the bottom of his hoody, but he just grabbed my hand and kissed it while looking up at me and shaking his head.

"You don't needa see."

Is it really that bad? I thought to myself. But i've learned not to question him too much. So I just held him in my arms. Neither of us cared for it too much because he wouldn't die. He's just in pain and that's something I can't help sadly.

His grey eyes pierced into my brown ones and for this moment i was the happiest I've been in forever.

"I love you." I said. Feeling as if it was appropriate.

"Is that a goodbye Alexia."

"I just want you to know."

"Because you think we're gonna die."

Well yeah kinda I mean.

"If I'm gonna die tonight I'm glad its with you."


I scoffed.

"As if I'm gonna let them hurt you." He said. sounding more serious.

"Jeff youre hu-"

"I don't care."

"You could di-"

"I don't care."

"But slenderma-"

"I don't fucking care I'll give you my last breath if I have to I'm not letting you die. You've learned how selfish I am by now havent you. You're leaving out of here alive."

"What about you." I said more of a statement then asking it.

"You're leaving out alive."

His voice was slowly draining after each word. He's so weak and he can barely stand. He's insane if he thinks I'm leaving without him....oh. Wait. He is insane.

I glared down at him. Making it highly aware he's pissing me off.

"You're cute angry." He said in his childish voice. One of the personas he has out of a million.

"You didn't say you loved me back yet."

"Should be obvious."

"Then say it."

And with that he sat up and pressed his lips against mine. Harder then our first kiss but still passionate. I immediately kiss back. He runs his fingers through my hair and gently grips it. Which I believe is his support since before he couldn't even stay on his elbows for 5 seconds but he leaps from my lap to kiss me. I know hes in so much pain, so i try pulling away put he just pulls me back, gently pulling on my bottom lip with his teeth and wrapping his other arm around me. Making sure I wont move. Saying through it "Hold on" as he deepens the kiss and my heart flutters and I forget about everything. Nothing matters. It's just us. I'll forever remember this moment.

He slowly pulled away and fell back into my lap. Gazing up at me.

"I love you too." He said in between breathes he's taking. I was breathless too.

"How sweet." We heard a voice from in front of us and saw the one and only Toby standing there. Axes in both hands. Twirling them while smirking, I hate that smirk of his.

"Hope you enjoyed that kiss. Because you're about to die together."


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