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Jeff's P.O.V

I waved at her as she walked away with Jack into the woods. They were going to the store to buy a bunch of stuff we all requested. Now that's there's a human, no more wondering what's out there. She can easily walk into a store and buy whatever. I sent Jack with her to make sure she didn't run off. I know she probably wouldn't but. Can't risk it.

I walked into the bathroom and started taking off my clothes, and turned on the bath tub. I don't even turn on the cold. I love the water as hot as possible. I take any pain I can get.

I slowly slide in, with a cigarette in my mouth and whence as the heat burned ever inch of my body. It'll scar for about 5 minutes before I self heal myself. Not voluntarily of course. I light the cig and blow out the smoke nice and slow. It was the last one so I'm savoring it. (Until lex and Jack come back with more I mean.)

I don't usually treat myself like this but I was in the mood ya know? Probably a "falling for a girl" bull you hear about. I won't usually ever change for anyone. But she's not just anyone. Maybe there are more people like her out there. And if there's possibly another Alexia. I wouldn't want to kill her. I guess.

My thoughts are interrupted by a noise rattling in the sink. I look up and see one of the thumb tacks had fell. And a piece of the mirror was showing. Without even thinking about it I grabbed a towel and wrapped It around myself. Walking over to the mirror and picking up the tack. Before I stuck it back in, the other fell. Revealing the entire mirror. Revealing me.

I looked at myself. Something I haven't done in God knows how long. And as always I hated what I saw.

You're worthless

You're pathetic

You took away the only thing that mattered to you

She doesn't care about you

She doesn't care

She doesn't care

She never will.

It was like my reflection was talking to me. That voice was back. That hatred was back. The tears were back. She never will care. She's only screwing me over so I'll let her go. How pathetic could I get. Thinking she cared for me. Me of all people. I'm nothing.

Tears fell down my cheeks as I stood there. Listening to what I had to say about myself.

Give it up.

What's there to see in you?

You can't die because you're meant to felt hate for all eternity.

You deserve your pain.

You deserve your suffering.

You don't deserve her.

"S-shut up....shut up...get out and shut up..."

You don't deserve love


He'll never forgive you.


I punched the mirror. The shattered glass falling in slow motion. Just like I did. I gradually fell into this. Into insanity. I quickly got dressed. And started sprinting out the  door, into the woods.

"JEFF WAIT THIS ISN'T YOU." I heard slendy yell from behind me.

He's wrong. This is me. I'm Jeff the fucking killer. And no one can tell me any different. No one.



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