Chapter 1

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    3rd person P.O.V

      Kuroko took one long look in the mirror, his pale complexion his blue eyes and teal hair, how can no one see him. With a sigh he exits the bathroom, its his first day and hes kinda nervous, even though he has made a name for himself he can't escape this feeling, i guess its the fact he has to hide who he is, who he truly is, walking into the kitchen he sees a note on the table


we'll be gone for a couple of days, foods in the fridge, have a good first day!!

Kuroko P.O.V

Placing the note back down i sigh, yeah, my first day at school, in case any of you don't know, i'm special, so they say, the shadows help me, in this world people like me are known as demon hunters, as the name suggests we hunt demons, the only acceptation is, i'm the one with the demon, the shadow he helps me, he is part of me. I sigh again, getting dressed and heading out the door, my bag on my shoulder and heading to the school where i would "learn" i don't need to learn anything else, i have a name for myself, i'm a legend. I'm the phantom. I sigh again and walk out the door, the sun hits my face, i look down and put my music in to let anyone know not to talk to me, not that they'd see me anyway. Lost in thought i never realised i arrived at this school, walking in taking my music out looking at the people who may be my classmates, groups of people huddled around with their friends, me? I'm alone, i want to be, having friends will only get you hurt, they're your - or my weakness- and i don't like weaknesses. Looking to my left i see a group of 5 people, all with different coloured hair, Red, Purple, Green, Yellow and a Dark blue, so much darker than mine, i wasn't watching where i was going and hit into a hard surface, falling on my butt, my bag spilling everywhere "ow" i say silently 

"oh shit i didn't see you there sorry dude" the tall man says bending down helping me pick up my books 

"don't worry about it" i mumble getting the books i brought hoping he doesn't talk to me anymore, after collecting all my books we stood up, i then realise everyone is looking, 'are they looking at me AND him or..' My thoughts get broken by the man calling me, i look up at him his broad frame, his tall statue and his dark red hair matching his maroon eyes, he smiles slightly passing me my notebook, i take it and murmur a thanks, 

"I'm Kagami Taiga" he says reaching a hand out, i put all my books away and hesitate before taking his hand, shaking it "kuroko Tetsuya" i say, everyone around us has gone back to talking, i return my hand to my side and mumble "see ya around" and walk away, i am NOT looking for friends, no i don't need them, i know i don't. Before i enter the building i sense someones eyes on my, it makes me uneasy, i turn around to see a pair of maroon eyes, but these were different, they were cold and, hid something, his stare isn't what made me uneasy, its what i felt when his eyes locked onto mine.


so this is my first time writing this kinda thing by myself, i normally have a friend helping me, hope you like this chapter and stuff, don't hesitate to point out my mistakes.

so.. yeah 

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