Chapter 10

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My brother smiles, and looks up at me, I give a sly smile and nod. I can hear all the girls whisper and some giggle, I sigh and lean forward. He takes a deep breath.

"Hello, I'm Sumairu Kuroko" He says, People turn and face me, I sigh and lean back in my chair still looking at my brother, he laughs a little then continues to speak "I've been... out of town for a little while but I can heal people and my ability is stronger than the nurses here" He looks at the teacher, I laugh to myself, he looks like a lost puppy. "Any questions" The teacher says, Kagami puts his hand up

"where did you go?" He asks, I look at my brother also wondering

"I've been studying in England making my ability stronger" He says, then I see another hand shoot up, it was the purple haired giant 

"Why did you leave?" He asks munching on some chips, Me and my brother exchange glaces, he clears his throat and swallows moving his hair out of his face, I hear the girls gasping and giggling again

"I left because of events that happened in my previous school" He says, That's one thing we have in common, we're both amazing liars, I have to be, he just is. The lies we speak come out so smooth, we don't have to think.

"Like?" Aomine pries 

"I had issues to which I left, that's all I really wish to tell" He says wanting to get off topic, only then I realise what my body language is telling him, he really does know me. He looks back at the teacher "Anything else?" The teacher asks, One girl put her hand up "You single?" She asks, I almost fell off my chair in shock, did she really just ask that, wait is he? I look at him, hes blushing Oh my. I let an amused smile play on my face.

"That's not a valid question" The teacher calls, The girls in the room let out annoyed sighs. My brother looks up at me I'm still smiling I raise my eyebrows and he looks away fast. I clear my throat and solidify my expression 

"More fighting then?" Kagami asks standing up

"I guess" I say stuffing my hands in my pockets, "Wonder how different it'll be" I add looking down Standing up too,

"Maybe we'll be fighting in pairs" Kagami says, I shrug, we all walk down I stand near my brother and let give a small playful smile 

  "I'm not gonna live this down am I?" He asks, I shake my head amused 

"Nope" I say "Who's the lucky guy?" I say tauntingly

"well-" He pauses "HEY" I laugh amused, I see Kagami look at me with a shocked expression, I put my hands in my pockets again,

"What?" I ask, he shakes his head

"Never heard you laugh" he says

"Obviously, I've been here what? 3 days?" I ask, then sigh returning to my cold expression.

"You sigh a lot, and you always have THAT look" He says, I sigh again and turn away

"Its a resting face" I say, the door opens and the teacher who taught us about, myself essentially. Walks in, He's carrying a box

"Right class" Our fight teacher calls "Today you will work in pairs, before I tell you any more you can decide, Pick pairs or pull numbers?" Everyone fell silent until the pink haired girl spoke up

"I wanna pick" She squeals , the other girls nod. I sigh as the teacher lets us pick. Kagami walks up to me 

"Wanna pair?" He asks, I shrug, Not really wanting to pair with anyone. He stares

"Sure, why the hell not" I say realising he wanted a vocal answer . My brother smiles and leans down to whisper 

"Looks like YOU'RE the one with 'lucky guy'" He mocks, I jab him with my elbow, I hear him grunt in pain, I give a small laugh. 

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