Chapter 4

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Running, i'm running, with him beside me. I look back and see nothing, he grabs my hand and pulls me along

"Don't look behind you" he said

Blood, screams , laughter and then, silence.

i Spring up in my bed, a cold sweat running down my body, the only thing i hear is my rapid breathing. I bring my hands to my head

"Why now? after all this time, don't make me relive what i can't forget" I say out loud,


I turn the alarm off and get up, go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, i look like shit. I'm even paler than i already was, Dark circles under my eyes and hair stuck to my head from sweating. I sigh upon realising the cut from yesterday is still there,

"Care to help with this?" I say out loud again

'OF COURSE I CAN'  The voice calls, upon saying that shadows surround me,  engulfing me into the darkness that i love, after a couple of minutes the shadows disperse and leave me with a clean unmarked face. Like i said, the shadows help me, he helps me. I sigh once again, i'm doing that more often recently, I take a shower get ready and look in the fridge I should probably eat something' i say in my head, i pull out a small box that my mother made with the note 'Tuesday' On it, his is lunch for today i suppose. I place it in my bag along with my books 

'You'll find scissors in your head' The words ring in my ears, i must be on high alert today, no more flying scissors, I'v only just realised the strain my eyes are under, i should really put my glasses back on but i can't seem to find them, i sigh, not that i really need them to see but my eye sight could get worse, i don't need that adding to the list, ill find them later. I head out the door, locking it, my parents will be home tomorrow after a trip, i walk slowly since i'm up early, replaying my dream in my head. 'Why?' I ask myself 'Was i really that weak?'

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Kagami who runs up behind me "Kuroko" He yells, i groan and turn around, "Walk with me?" He asks, i shrug in response and continue to walk, he walks beside me, we walk in silence, i like it. Its been 5 minutes and then he spoke "So" He starts i look at him "what do you like to do" Oh god, hes making small talk, trying to get to know me, i need to be distant, push him away "Things" i say back looking forward, he sighs and takes the hint.

getting into the school, i walk with Kagami to the people i met yesterday, I'm happy no one seems to notice me immediately. Kagami talks with his friends as i stand there in silence. I look around, they're not here, good, i can't deal with them today. "Kuroko" A voice snaps me out of my thoughts once again, it was Riko, i look at her meaning i'm listening. "Are you gonna spend the whole day looking over your shoulder, I can't believe you go Akashi to growl at you" She squeals, "yeah"  i say looking away closing my eyes, they really hurt. "Kuroko are you okay" Kagami asks i nod "yeah, just- got something in my eye" i say glancing down. 

"uh okay" Kagami says, that's when we had to go in, with my luck in the same class as Kagami, great. Sitting down, going into my bag, my eyes are killing me, they've never been this bad before, i haven't been wearing my glasses for a couple of days. i sigh, not letting anyone see me in pain, i'm good at hiding my emotions. Sitting down next to Kagami, the teacher placed me there, i refuse to make friends. Looking into my bag a glare makes my eyes hurt even more, picking up the object i find my red frames glasses, they're not as cool as my black ones but i like them, i smile slightly putting them on and relaxing as the pain eases.  

                                                                  (Kuroko's glasses ^^)

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                                                                  (Kuroko's glasses ^^)

i look at the big board in front of me "Nice glasses, where did they come from" Kagami asks

"Always had em, always needed em, lost em, found em" i say trying to keep things short, a loud BANG makes me snap my head round to see a green haired boy sitting down next to me placing a stuffed octopus on the table. "Shit" i Whisper to myself looking forward. i stay silent before the green boy snaps in my ear "Are you fucking insane?! do you realise how pissed Akashi is?" I look at him

"No" i say with a blank expression " and i don't care" after saying that i earn a grunt and then i hear

"Good luck kid, not that i care" i stare at him with confusion when i see a head of red hair cross my vission, i stare at him, he goes to sit behind me, "great just great" i whisper as he takes his seat, i swear i can see a slight smile on his lips, this boy is trouble. 'Keep on guard' i say to the voice inside me

'always' the voice calls back, 

"Hello class" The teacher calls "welcome today we are learning about something very special"

"OOOHHH" the glass say together, i sigh and close my eyes, juuust great

"today we are learning about, the phantom" He finishes,my eyes snap open, oh god. The girls around me squeal, my ears hurt

'Looks like we ARE special Tetsu' The voice says, i mentally shush him. And now, i learn all about myself, wow this is strange. Before the teacher speaks i feel something shuffle behind me, turning around i feel a sharp sting under my eye, i hear gasps all around. That FUCKING red head, he cut me, again, i sigh turning back, wiping the blood from under my eye, where the rim of my glasses start. The teacher stares, i turn back "You gonna get closer" I say, he smirks moving and sitting by the green haired boy who's name is Midorima i think. I look back at the teacher who swallows hard and continues. "right we shall begin, make notes as you will be tested" he starts, he clears his throat before starting.. 

~Akashi P.O.V~


Walking home, my mind wonders to the boy who hadn't blinked an eye when my blades crosses his face, the blank expression on his face as he saw his blood pissed me off. what pissed me off more is how he refuses to bow down to me. His ability is something special but i cant tell hes hiding something but what?.


Entering the school i see the blue haired boy with Kagami, His blank expression pisses me off still, i growl,

"Calm down Akashi" I hear a voice from behind "never understood why you growled yesterday" 

"Natural instinct Midorima," I snap, normally i cant stand people telling me what to do but Midorima is different, hes what id call a friend.

"whatever" he says, "c'mon we'll be late" , i'm never late, i am absolute. walking in, i see the bluenette putting on some red framed glasses, he turns and says something to Kagami as Midorima sits down, i smiles as he snaps his head and they converse a bit, i walk past him to my seat behind him, i see him watching me, his cheek, its, perfectly fine what? I swear i had cut him i saw the blood! So he IS hiding something, i can't help the smile that creeps on my face. I take my seat, not listening to the teacher, after a few minutes a hear some girls squeal. I smile and move closer, making noise, he turns around and i strike sinking my scissors into the flesh under the bottom of his glasses, people gasp and he sighs, turning back and wiping his face, He pisses me off even more i may kill him, he turns back to me "You gonna get closer" he says in his monotone voice, i smile moving next to Midorima, one day Kuroko, ill make you crack, ill make you scream in pain, ill see you cry. Your not as strong as you think you are


No one can disobey me. 


thank you to my friend for proof reading at like 2am

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