Chapter 2

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Entering the building my heart still racing from that mad mans glare, god i hope i don't bump into them again, my gut, or should i say HE has a bad feeling about that group, its fine as long as i have my lack of presence ill be fine, ill be right back at doing my duty in no time! Going to the front desk i see a female teacher who is, very energetic, she looks back at the desk "where's kuroko?"

"here" i say, but she doesn't hear me. i sigh "I'm here" i say louder, she screams and jumps back

 "W-where did you come from" she asks as she straightens herself out

"i'v been here the whole time" i say back 

"Oh" she says then smiles "i'm here to show you around Kuroko" i nod and bow 

"pleasure to meet you" i say, 

"likewise" she says and walks away, i follow, she gives me a tour of the school, its huge, so many classrooms and lockers. 

"you must be careful though Kuroko, you can get lost, i know i did" she says and giggles, i know i wont get lost, i already know this place like the back of my hand, i'm an observer, my mind works like a computer. The teacher happily bounces down the hall, she stops outside a classroom with the writing 'DH-2' 

"This is your home room Kuroko" she says happily, i thank her and bow offering a small smile before returning to my emotionless expression she giggles turns to the door, knocks and walks in

"sensei" she says "your new student is here" she adds looking behind her, i walk in  behind her

"where" the teacher says, the woman in front of my giggles and turns pointing at me, the teacher looks shocked by my sudden appearance "sorry kid, didn't see you there" he says as some of the class shrieks. i sigh 

"come and introduce yourself" The teacher says, i walk up next to the teacher and bow "my name is Kuroko Tetsuya" i look up and see all these eyes on me, i don't like it, stop staring at me! That's when the woman speaks up "Kuroko here is a transfer student, lets all make him feel welcome" she smiles and walks out. The teacher signs "i'm your teacher Mr. Kondo, you can sit" he pauses and looks around the room, i start to feel uneasy "ahh you can sit behind Kagami" he finishes and points to the boy who i bumped into, he sees me and smiles, i walk to the seat behind him, everyone still staring. I sit on my chair the feeling of unease growing bigger and bigger. The teacher starts talking about the day and i stare out the window. A low whisper pulls me out of my thoughts i turn to see Kagami staring at me,

"nice to see you again" he says, i hum a response, not looking at him, leave me alone. "Hey, what do you use?" At that question, i freeze and stare at him blankly, i tilt my head to the side pretending i don't know what hes talking about. But i do. He looks like hes about to say something else when hes interrupted "KAGAMI STOP DISTRACTING THE NEW KID" the Teacher shouts, Kagami gasps and looks forward giggles are heard all around the room, i take this chance to look around the room, what i see, makes me freeze once again, in the corner of the room is a young boy with green hair, a weird item on his desk and his fingers taped, behind him in a boy with yellow hair, for some reason all the girls around him stare and giggle. At the back of the room is a Purple haired giant happily eating something, next to him is the dark blue haired boy, i quickly snap my gaze forward upon realising these are the people i saw outside, just then my feeling of unease hits me like a brick, i glance up to once again see a pair of dark maroon eyes, locked onto me, u look at the floor, then to my desk, knowing something bad will happen if i make eye contact. Its not that i'm scared, i'm just, restless and on edge. The bell rang and kagami suggested he walks with me to our lesson since hes in it,so 'i don't get lost' i agree only to get him to stop drawing attention to me, as i stand up a silver object crosses my vision, i move back instinctively and glance at the wall to see, a pair of scissors stuck into it making a dent, i look back and freeze once again, i see the same maroon eyes piercing against mine, The room gasps and stops, i stare back with my blank expression. "Kuroko are you okay?" Kagami asks, i nod only to feel a warm sensation on my cheek, i push my hand against my face and remove is to see red liquid covering my fingers, its been a while since i saw my own blood, i look up and look at the face that is inches away from mine, i didn't even hear him move. Not knowing what to do i step back, eyes are on both of us, i don't like it. He smiles, "Akashi" he says "Akashi Seijuro" he finishes stepping forward, is it just me or, is one of his eyes turning yellow 

"It is, get away" a voice from inside me warns me, i know he wants me to step back, i know how far i am from the wall, stepping back means hitting it, i'm compromised and vulnerable if i do that so, i stand my ground. I stare back at him with my blank expression, the other 4 walking behind him, i glance to my side to see Kagami still stood there, looking back at Akashi. He looks serious and my arms ache i NEED to get away, i don't like running but i have to, he opens his mouth to speak as i feel a sharp hand grab mine and pulls me away, it was Kagami "what the hell Akashi, don't kill the new kid" He shouts 'kill'? I don't go down easily, its silent before Akashi speaks "That sounds like an order" He speaks in a low voice, i feel kagami jerk slightly "i don't take orders from you, You take my orders" The room falls silent before the teacher yells at us to get to the next class, i glance back at the group who are walking slightly behind us, Akashi still staring at me, i have a feeling this boy will be trouble. I need to figure out what to do, if anyone asks me what i use, i can't tell them about it, not about HIM. 


Special thanks to my friend who proof read this chapter for me :)

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