Chapter 9

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"what happened" I sigh and sit in the chair the furthest away from everyone, like I always do. I tell them. Everything. To what ability I'm using to that red head and his scissors. I tell them about Aomine and Kise. They stay silent, my brother silently seething in anger, my dads fists clenched and worry in my mothers eyes, 

"its fine, I'm fine. He helped" I say looking at them all,  they stay silent for a while, i hate the silence, "So, your working at the school now?" I ask my brother, he smiles and nods

"Doctor, the nurse can only do so much" He pauses "She told me about the fight" I sigh as all the attention was on me again

"It was under control." I say, my brother stands and looks angry

"He broke 3 of your ribs, almost punctured a lung and you were bleeding heavily, anything worse than that she would have been able to do anything" He practically yells, I can hear it in his voice, hes concerned

"Then he would have sorted it, I already got the whole 'He could have killed you' from him" I say back, remaining calm and seated

'He's right though'

'I know' I sigh and stand "Listen, i'm okay, I promise, if it got out of hand I would have handled it. Right now I'm concerned about you" I say to my brother, he looks confused "the red head, And I mean the small one, did you see him?" I ask, he nods "He's, dangerous, my first day scissors got thrown at me, hes obsessed with getting people to bow before him like hes some king" I finish "so what I'm saying is, what you do is up to you, but please be careful. I don't think I can control myself if you get hurt," He seems shocked by that, I sigh picking up my stuff "I never forgave myself you know?" That shocks him more

"Testu, that wasn't-"

"My fault?" I cut her off, she nods "Its my body, I got angry, I lost control and then my body started rejecting him, I don't care what anyone says" I walk over to my brother, lifting his shirt to reveal a scar, the wound I made "Whenever I see this, or think about it,I blame myself, I will ALWAYS blame myself," My brother opens his mouth "You were always by my side, protecting me. Anything and I mean ANYTHING happens between you and that red headed psychopath tell me. I will protect you all with my life. I don't want to lose you again" With that, I leave and walk to my room, leaving them in silence. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, After a few minutes I hear noises from downstairs, its talking . I cant hear what they're saying but my brother walks in, I sit up and stare as he takes a seat at the end of the bed

"Hey dude" He says, i nod "When did you last eat?" Then it clicked, i close my eyes and lay back 

"Mum saw then huh?" I ask, 

"The full fridge? yeah"

"Mad that i wasted food?" I say with my eyes still closed, i feel the bed shift and open my eyes, I'm met with my brothers face  

"Sumairu!" I yell in shock " What the hell? you scared the crap out of me"

"I can say the same thing Testu" He sounds mad "why aren't you eating?"

"I was never hungry" 

"That's not good enough"

"Why do you care" I say getting slightly agitated, he recoils in shock "After everything i did, why the hell do you still care about me"

"This again?" He says with a sigh " How many times must I tell you, that was NEVER your fault"

"I was the one who got angry, I lost composure" I say, getting up off my bed, I turn away, its silent for a few minutes, before I feel hands on my shoulder turning me to see my brothers calm face, he smiles softly and pulls me into a hug

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