Chapter 19

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Kuroko P.O.V

"Come ON and play Tetsuya" I hear him taunt as I pull my mask on,

'Time to play' I say to my friend

'Hell yeah' He says, The echo in his voice telling me its in my head and nowhere else. I step forward

"Screw. You" I say as I lift my arm sending a line of shadow straight into his chest,  He flies back, 

"Very nice" He growls, I don't know what magic he uses, He can use anything from the people he killed or..enslaved? Even having Ogiwaras' ability would be bad, I feel the staff materialise in my right hand, He stands, Straightening his suit, He smiles. He brings his hand up and bringing a stream of fire towards me, I stay stood as it comes towards me, The shadows materialise in front of me protecting me.

"The shadows are my friend" I whisper, They disappear and I see his angry face, 

"You are REALLY getting on my nerves Kid" He says, I take my mask off.

"I" I step forward, Placing  my left foot in front of the other "AM NOT" I bring the staff back, Shadows surrounded the skull on the end, "A KID" I bring it forward giving of a stream of black energy forward, Hitting him once again in the chest. He screams in pain. All the other little demons stop destroying the school and starts coming for me, There are a lot, I bring the hand that isn't holding the staff forward the shadows impale the ones at the front

"WE'LL DEAL WITH THEM" Ogiwara says

"Yeah" Kagami yells, I nod focusing on Akumu who looks like he's... bleeding? Impossible, You can't make a demon bleed. I swallow hard looking at the thick black liquid that's oozing out.

"Mother of- Ahh" It snarls, He brings his hand up, marking symbols in the air, Ogiwara's ability, I brace myself as he marks 氷 into the air, The symbol bolts towards me and strikes me in the chest, Its cold, 'Ice', I fall to the floor, I sigh and lift myself up, Looking at him. "Come on Tetsuya, Scream for me" He says with a smile, He then marks, '点灯' The clouds above me get dark, 

"Shit" I whisper as a bolt of Lightning strikes down, I close my eyes and brace for impact, Nothing happens,I open my eyes and see that I'm encased in shadow, 

'The shadows are your friends' Mirai says, I smile and stand, I see him stood there,

"DAMN IT" He yells "Just DIE already" He snarls "You're RUINING my fun" He adds, I chuckle

"Aww, Is the baby throwing a tantrum?" I smirk, He growls.

"I am SO going to torture you"

"More than you have?" I say, He raises an eyebrow

"Haunted" He whispers, I swallow hard again, "Slaughtered" He whispers again, Everyone stops, 

"What the HELL are you rambling about?" Kagami asks, Akumu Smiles, They all start crowding now that the demons thinned out 

"Ohh," He says "You've been hiding so much" He says, Stepping forward, I feel threatened, Nervous. "How about this then?" He starts making symbols in the air again, '過去' It fades and voices fill my head,

"Help me!"



"what the fuck?" I say, Stepping back 

"You will always be haunted.." He says, I scowl and shake my head,

'I'll deal with them' Mirai says

'I may need you to switch or..THAT' I say 'Be aware'

'Roger' He says back,

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