Chapter 8

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"Welcome Kuroko" the group says

"why do i feel like I've been accepted into a cult or something" i ask, Riko giggles. I wasn't making a joke, "No silly, we're welcoming you to our friend group" she says. Did she just say friend,i could form no words other than "Oh okay, um, thanks?" i didn't mean for it to sound like a question, but she smiled.

"The way you beat Aomine was amazing, no one has EVER beaten him" She says laying down, "you really are amazing you know" 

"It wasn't that hard, he just had a big ego" i say then continue to stare at the box in front of me, way too much food in one box, i never eat a lot anyway, why does my mum insist on putting in that much food. Everyone is eating, i eat what i normally do then sit back, watching the clouds. 

"Hey Kuroko" I look to my side to see Kagami staring at me "is that all you're eating?" I sit up and look at my lunch box, i sigh and shake my head "I never eat much" i say, they all give me a questioning look "My mother always puts too much in" Wait, why am i talking to them, i need to, I don't WANT to. I sigh leaning back again "Anyone wants it be my guest, she just looks disappointed when i come home with it full" That's right, they come home today, wonder where they went, 

"Hey Kuroko" A voice calls, i sit up and look "Why are you so cold?" Hyuuga asks, i stare at him blankly everyone else stares too

"I'm not cold, just blunt, i say things how they are, you don't like 'em not my problem" I say, they all stare. I sigh "now i can ask a question" i say breaking the silence "why are you all so interested in me?" i ask, i don't know why i'm so interested in an answer, Kagami smiles and speaks up "Because we want to be friends, you seem like the type who's always alone. With us, no one is alone" the team nod in agreement, Riko then adds

"And we want to get to know you better, if you're so blunt and straightforward can we ask questions and get an honest answer" I nod, knowing this is a bad idea, Just because i'm blunt doesn't mean i'm 100% honest, I never have been. They look at each other, i sigh, taking my now empty box and putting in in my bag, i lean against the fence we were sat near, leaning my arm on my knee. "Ask away" I say looking at them, they look at each other then back at me i close my eyes leaning my head against the fence "The offer doesn't last forever, once that bell goes you won't get an answer for most of them" i say, i hear whispers, what have i gotten myself into? Then Riko asks the first question

R-"Why did you transfer?"

K- "I had issues at a different school"

H- "what kind of issues?"

K- "Issues that injured people"  i respond, they fall silent, 

Kag-"Care to elaborate?" i shake my head "okay, any siblings?"

K- "one brother" 

F- "any other friends?" That's when i fall silent, i open my eyes and look at the sky, 

K-"N-no" I gasp looking at them all, Did i just stutter, did they hear that, save it "People don't like how blunt i am" I say looking down, they're silent for a few seconds, i can't stand it "Next question" I say, anger clear in my voice, shit, whats happening to me? I grab my water and drink it as they look around

I- "why do you wear things with long sleeves? its so warm, you don't even pull them up" i look up from my water bottle

k- "Can't i just like long sleeved shirts and shit?"

R- "Yes but Kuroko, when i asked you today you looked worried" Shit, what the hell is happening to me? why am i showing emotion so clearly, or can she read me really well? i solidify my expression ensuring nothing can be seen then say

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