Chapter 17

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A/N Thank you to everyone who actually reads this story XD

I wake up the next morning, A headache and a tight chest,  I sigh as I get up and get ready, I put my hoodie on and walk out, Kagami walks over,

"How you feeling?" He asks I nod and continue walking,

"You two" The teacher says pointing at me and Akashi "I'll deal with the two of you at school" He says "AFTER this 2 week trip" we nod, I don't care if I get Into trouble, Never have Never will. "Anyway.Today class we'll be going in the chambers, Akashi and Kuroko will go first, what you will have to overcome is by the demons choice, Don't worry, we'll be here to stop things if it gets out of control" He says, I sigh and look at Akashi, His eyes were locked onto me, "Uh" I say

"You okay?" He asks

"Yeah..?" I say back, Confused, Then the blonde one runs up and hugs me from behind

"Kuroko-Cchi " He says

"I..Can't..breath" I say, Kise lets me go 

"Sorry, You okay "

"I'm not a child, You don't need to  take care of me" I say and roll my eyes, "It happens all the time, Don't worry about it" I say. We all start walking down some steps and into a room with a glass chamber, Me and Akashi exchange glances.

"Go on Kids" The teacher says, Pushing us into a room, I walk in and the door slams behind me, I turn at the sound. "Spooky" Akashi mocks, I chuckle, 

"Spooky?" A voice echoes, "I don't want to be Spooky.." We turn, A flash of light fills the room, I get flung to the wall, The light dims, I look around standing up, Akashi's gone.

"The fuck?" I say, Looking at the tiles on the floor,

"Tetsuya?" Akashi says on the other side of the room, "I can't move" He says. 

"What?" I ask and step forward, I feel something drag me back and pin me to it, 

"That's no fun" It snarls in my ear, then chuckles 

"The fuck?" I ask again, Turning my head to see a dark creature with horns, and Glasses? "Uh..." I say, "you gonna keep hugging me or what?" I ask, He chuckles 

"Your friend over there, He will die today" It says

"Will he?" I ask, "I don't like that, I don't think I want anyone to die right now" I say, 

"He wont die, Unless," The demon stops, letting me go and Producing a weird sword thing in mid air, Next to me, Pointing to Akashi,

"Unless?" I ask, He smiles

"Riddle me this" He says. I groan "For every riddle you get wrong, The blade gets closer, For every one you get right, its stays where it is." I groan again

"Thats BOOORING" I say.

"Just do it Tetsuya" Akashi says 

"A. dont call me that and B. Fine" I say,

"Riddle me this... I am nothing. I Make Nothing. My Opposite Creates Me, Even as it Destroys Me. What Am I?" He says, Running next to Akashi, Will he stay there? I have to take that chance, I don't like playing games with demons, I sigh, Thinking about an answer

"AKASHI-CCHI" I hear Kise yell from the outside, I look and see everyones confused faces

"A...." I start, Thinking, I smile "Shadow" The demon snarls, 

"Correct" He says, The blade stays still, 

'Keep your guard up' I say, to Mirai

"Next one" It says, Akashi struggles to move, I give him a glance that reassures him, He sighs 

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