Chapter 3

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Walking to the next class with Kagami, we're both silent, please don't talk to me, i don't want friends right now.. or ever. Bad things have happened when i make friends.

 "Damn that Akashi" Kagami says silently i look at him "it would be wise for you to listen to him"

Kagami says i scoff " i don't take orders from anyone" i say without thinking, my eyes widen in shock as i realise i'v just spoken, i look at Kagami who also looks shocked, then he smiles, 

"Your funeral" We continue to walk in silence. we walk in and i see a group of people to the side, Kagami pulls me towards them, "guys this is Kuroko, he's new" He says walking up, they see me immediately and i hate it. "I'm Hyuuga Iunpei" says one with glasses (A/N they're all the same age in this) i nod, 

"Kyoshi Teppei" say one, hes so tall, i nod again, they all introduce themselves all accept one who nods at me "This is Rinnosuke Mitobe, no ones ever heard him speak, so don't take it personally" says the one who introduced himself as Izuki i nod. the teacher walks in 

"okay class settle down," he says, his voice is deep "now wheres this new kid?" he asks looking around Kagami pushes me up and shouts "right here" he looks at me "you're kuroko tetsuya?" he asks, i nod "I'm Mr. Otsuka, i see you've found a seat" i nod again, he gestures for me to sit down, i do and glance at Kagami who's smiling, i look down, what was this lesson again, my blood runs cold when i remember, i look up to see a huge circle in the middle of the room, this is where people practice their abilities and showcase what they can do. This is also where they learn how to control them or bend them. I'm NOT ready for this, i can't, i haven't figured it out. The teachers talking away when i see, oh no I swear this group is haunting me, the rainbow group, all looking at me, i stare down trying to figure out what in the hell i'll do if they make me show something. "Hey kuroko" Kagami whispers i glance towards him "so.. what can you do? or are we going to have to see it" i shrug looking down at the book in front of me. "Kuroko" The teacher call, i stand "Care to show us" he asks gesturing to the circle, i swallow, hard. I walk down to the wide space, slowly "do you need someone to accompany you?" he asks, i look at him, he sighs gesturing for Kagami to come down, no! don't make it seem like we're friends. Kagami walks down and stands next to me, everyones eyes are one me. I hate it. We step into the circle when i see a hand raise from my side, it was him, 'That damn red head' i think to myself

"yes Akashi?" the teacher asks 

"May i join" He asks the room falls silent, its cold Akashi's eye goes yellow for a second, the teacher nods and Akashi stand opposite me, scissors in hand, ill admit it, i'm nervous 'what do i do?' i ask myself

"USE MEEE" a voice inside my head calls, i can't. i won't. A loud bell snaps me out of my thoughts as akashi stands still , staring at me, then it hits me, what i can do, i step to the side exposing Kagami who looks shocked i would do so, a small smile plays on Akashis face and in one swift movement launches a blade towards Kagami, he, of course makes a scream-like sound and closes his eyes, i however close my eyes and clap my hands together , creating a Sphere around me and Kagami that glows a bright teal colour , opening my eyes i see the blade bounce off and fall to the floor. Kagami opens his eyes and gasps,as does the rest of the class 'oh god,they know?' i ask myself. 

The room is silent, The silence is broken by a low growl from. Akashi?! D-did he just growl , what is he? he steps forward, I'm on defence, i don't like defence, i fall to my knees pressing my hands together only letting two of my fingers point up, the teal fades as i drop the only protection me and Kagami had, before Akashi makes a move, the light colour surrounds him, making him unable to move, he hits it and blue energy courses through the are hitting the sphere giving him a small shock, he moves his hands back and growls again. I turn to Kagami who's looking at me shocked. 

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