Chapter 7

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"Who told you that line?" He asks

"What?" I turn confused.

"the whole 'death smiles at everyone' Shit" He replies. 

"Oh, that. Just someone i know" I reply looking at the circle. Kagami and Kise. this should be interesting.

"Why were you so protective over your glasses?" He asks, i freeze, why does this idiot ask these questions.

"Because i need them, i cant break them" I lie. He stares at me, starting to get closer, i turn to him so we're face to face "can you not" i say to him, he ignores me and moves closer. 

"You're lying" He growls

"why do you care" I snap, he begins to get closer before the pink haired girl pulls him back

"Don't get so close to Tetsu-kun" She says and glares at him. He sighs, she smiles at me, i give a nod as thanks and turn to see Kagami and Kise, standing opposite each other, staring. I focus on the circle, Analysis begin:

Kise is stood there, waiting, watching. Kagami smiles and brings his hand forward making all the light in the room focus onto Kise, I close my eyes to stop them from burning. After a second or two i open them, Nothings changed accept, Kises smiling

"What a handy trick there Kagamicchi" He says Holding his hand out in front of him, My eyes widen, He couldn't possibly...... Before i even finish my thought a bright light extends from Kise's hand, i again close my eyes but open them, the light hurts my eyes as its so bright. I need to watch this. Copy cat, that's what he uses. Light manipulation.  Kagami's ability...  Analysis complete, When the light dies down, Kagami is breathing heavily, his eyes are red and they look sore, this is going to be some fight.

At the end, Kagami was a mess and Kise looked perfectly fine, Kise had been copying every move Kagami tried to do, i wonder what he can't copy. The teacher stopped the fight as it looked like Kagami was close to loosing his life, the nurse runs over healing Kagami, he looks pissed. He starts walking towards me, Kise walking towards Aomine

"Now you know" Kagami says, i don't like his tone, he sounds angry but heartbroken. Is that what i sounded like after that happened? "Liked what you saw" Kise asks me with a cocky tone, i see Kagami tense. Everyone stops and stares, Kagami's friends crowd round, "I must say, that was some fight Kagami" Everyone gasps, he didnt add 'cchi', Has he lost all respect, He turns back to me, im staring at him. "Impressed?" He asks, i hate the look on his face 

'I hate him' the shadow calls

'Yep, Still mad at me?'

'Obviously', i smile to myself at my demons response. I'd like nothing more than to wipe that look off his face, With that Kagami starts to walk away. I stand

"No, i'm not" I say, Kise's eyes widen in shock as Kagami turns around shocked too, 

"WHAT WHY?" The blonde yells, i sigh and begin to walk to Kagami, "I don't like copy cats" I stop beside Kagami, turning looking over my shoulder, Kise looks, angry and, hurt? i shrug and continue to walk next to Kagami, he smiles and opens his mouth 

"This doesn't mean we're friends" I say coldly, he closes his  mouth then opens it

"Then why do all that" He asks

"Because i hated the look on his face, when he did nothing but copy you" I say, looking forward, we get to our seats looking down, i don't want to sit near the circle, i can see better from up here. Somethings bothering me, what i said to Kagami, that wasn't a lie, But the feeling i felt when i saw his face after he walked up to me, I hated the feeling, i don't want to get any closer to them, to anyone.

Kise looked shocked all the way through the rest of the lesson, Watching the other fights i can easily see why they're called the generation of miracles, Midorima uses guns and never missed a shot, The big purple one, Murisakibara? i think, Hes tall and can easily crush his opponents but focuses of defending the most important parts of his body but does a lot of damage in just one punch, like Aomine but hes stronger, Aomine focuses on speed to deal damage. Akashi, his aim is as good as Midorima's, each pair of scissors he throws hits, i honestly don't know where hes keeping them all, but that's not all, when he fights one of his eyes turn yellow, blazing like fire, in one swift move his opponent falls to the ground, the only choice they have is to stare at him, helplessly. I hum to myself making mental notes, "Take a picture it lasts longer" Kagami teases, hes back to his normal self  "I'm observing there abilities" i say coldly, he looks confused as we stand up to leave as class is over, i sigh, "My brain works like a computer, each thing i watch in detail gets noted down and logged, meaning i can pull this up at any time, meaning i can see weaknesses and just have a basic understanding of my opponent or ally" i say as we walk, He stares "so... when you stopped during your fight" He begins, 

"yes" i interrupt "I was conducting my analysis to focus on when he is about to move, and his ability" 

"But, you were only still for a couple of seconds" He says

"Im a fast learner" i say then falling silent as the rest of the group follows talking to Kagami, when we get to our space to 'hang out' as they call it, Riko, hits Kagami over the head 

"BAKAGAMI" she yells , he clutches his head

"what?" He asks, Rubbing where she hit him,

"What was that fight, I TOLD you not to just use your manipulation" she says, he sighs and apologies, i turn to Hyuuga 

"Bakagami?" I ask confused

"Kagamis' nickname for when he does or asks something stupid, we all use it" He explains, i give a nod of understanding. I know what the rest of the team can do, its remarkable but nothing too special, then it clicks

"Wait, can you do something other than manipulate light?" i ask Kagami, he nods

"I can jump REALLY high" he says, No there's something else, i feel something brewing at the surface, wanting to be released, but what is it?

"I get the feeling your hiding something too. Kuroko" Riko says, i freeze and tense up but keep my expression

"what?" I ask, she giggles

"I can see numbers, someones physical and mental stats, this helps me train people or see if they're holding back" She starts, 

'This is bad T' the shadows calls, i agree,  this is bad

"And?" i ask, trying to stay calm

"Your numbers are suspiciously low physically, but mentally and" she pauses looking for a word "internally they're  quite high, but what you did on the field, to me, it contradicts all my stats" As she finishes, the whole team look at me, their prying eyes are on me

'Make something up T' The shadow says, i can't, i don't know what to say, Okay, calm, think. Then. light bulb,

"As i was saying to Kagami, my brain works like a computer, i like to observe people to find a way to, stop or work with them." i say, which isn't a lie, "I have no explanation as to why my 'stats' are low but in case you haven't noticed, i don't have the BIGGEST presence in the world, maybe that's why?" I don't know what i'm saying at this point, It's all one big blur, Riko gives me a suspicious glare then smile

"Well, that all i needed to know" She looks at everyone who nods "Welcome to the Group Kuroko" 

Group, wait what?

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