the encounter

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Jon arrived at dragonstone, emotions of uncertainty overwhelmed him. What was he to expect from a meeting with the dragon queen would she listen to him and join the fight in the north or would command her dragons to burn him alive without a second thought.

The guards paddled the small boat that carried Jon and sir Davos to the shore. As he walked up the shore he was met by Daenerys Targaryen's representatives. Jon looked at them and was happy to see a familiar face even in what seemed to be a life threatening situation.

"The bastard of winterfell" Tyrion said as Jon approached him. Jon came to a stop"the dwarf of caster li rock" Jon said to the much shorter man. The two men gave each other a nod and a smile. "It's good to see you again my friend I see you picked up some scars on your journey" Jon said to Tyrion. "Well it has been a long journey" Tyrion said before introducing himself to Davis and proceeding to introduce Missandei " Our queen knows it is long journey you have embarked on to get here and she does appreciate your presence" Missandei said. Jon looked at the dark skinned girl. "If you can follow me the queen is waiting" Missandei said.

On their way to the castle Tyrion broke the silence "you must tell me how a bastard became the king in the north it must be an interesting tale".

" Only if you tell me how a Lannista became the hand of Daenerys Targaryen" Jon remarked. "I assure you it is a long and bloody tale and I was drunk for most of it" Tyrion laughed.

Just then a huge dragon flew over their heads and Jon and Davos ducked trying to avoid the dragon. Whilst on the ground they notice that everyone else was still standing totally unshaken by the dragon. "Don't worry you grow used to them,though the actual surprise of them never quite ends". Tyrion said as he helped Jon off the ground.

Daenarys POV

I had been informed that the king in the north had arrived. Surprisingly I found myself anxiously waiting to meet him, this feeling shocked me he was probably going to be quite an interesting. Atleast I was sure that he wouldn't be some fifteenth generation ,obnoxious lord,who thought the world revolved around him because of his birth right. No Jon Snow was a bastard he must have endured quite a lot so he must have at least a little humility,but power brought out the worst in people for all I knew he could be more of the same. Yet I still found myself wondering.

My thought were interrupted when I saw Tyrion,Missandei and the dalthraki enter the throne room. Behind them was an old man I had never seen and another man. The man was blocked from my line of vision as he was the last one to enter putting him behind the othets . when the way was cleared I saw him.

He stood there , his dark eyes complementing his even darker hair. His look was fixed and I could tell he was stubborn, he looked at me in a way as if to say his authority was real and not to be questioned. He had a handsome face though i could tell he had a few scares none too noticeable or distracting. I felt a draw to him and I hated it.

Missandei began from her rightful position beside me,"You are in the presence of Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the unburnt, queen of Meeren,the Andals and the The First men, Khaleesi of the great grass sea,the breaker of chains and the mother of dragons."

I sat there pleased with her introduction waiting for the king's hand to introduce him. Jon looked at his hand and his hand said "oh this is Jon Snow his king in the north". Jon returned his gaze at me and I couldn't help but be fazed by this.

" I'm glad that you could be here my lord" I said addressing Jon.
"Excuse me your grace but Jon Snow is not a lord he is a king" said the man next to Jon.
"My apologies" ...I stalled not knowing the man's name until Tyrion informed me,"your grace this is sir Davos".
"My apologies sir Davos, but if I remember correctly the Stark's ancestor pledged fealty to my ancestor in perpetuity meaning forever". I could tell Jon wasn't all to pleased to hear this.

"My grace there is a threat in the north, a threat that could ruin us all. You have a large army and three dragons you could storm into kings landing today and take it but you haven't, my guess is you don't want to kill innocent people which at the very least means your better than cersei" Jon said. This Jon snow seemed courageous to talk to some one with dragons like that or maybe he was just stupid.

"If we do not join forces to fight the army of the dead then there's no point on who gets to sit on the iron throne". I listened to him but was shocked had this king in the north come to tell me of myths and legends. An army of the dead.

I guess Tyrion was also confused" An army of the dead!"

"You do not know me well but do I look like a liar or a mad man, my lord?"Jon said. "No, you don't"Tyrion replied." I assure you the threat is real and I need your help to save all our people your grace"

"Very well I will help you if you bend the knee and accept me as your queen" I said.


I took a long breath breath before saying,"I can't do that, because forgive me but I do not know you all I know is that your claim to the throne is based on a mad mans bloodline,the lords of the north trusted me and I can't break their trust". Had I made a mistake in coming here seemed to be no reasoning with this woman.

"I was born in dragonstone,but I don't remember because we had to flee before Roberts assassins came,your father's best friend sent assassins. I have lived all my life in foreign lands,I've been sold like a brood made,I've been Ahmed and betrayed and I have been raped and defiled" she said in an authoritative tone.

When she said that my heart ached I hated that she had to go threw all those things, I hated that she had been hurt so many times. I had gone through more than a lifetimes pain myself and knew that it must have been hard. What I didn't know was if it was having experienced pain before or the fact that she was so beautiful but I was truly enraged by the mother of dragons pain. And I was disturbed by that.

"Faith kept me strong,not faith in any god but faith in myself, faith in Daenerys Targaryen"she said with a slight hint of irritation and pain in her voice.
She was interrupted when her advisor whispered into her ear.
"Forgive me for being rude,but I have to attend to other matters we shall draw you baths and show you to your rooms so that you can rest."

With that Daenerys walked out leaving me wondering why else was behind the mother of dragons seemingly ruthless nature. There was no hiding the fact that Daenerys Targaryen had a good heart.

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