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Looking at her I want to feel like everything that's happened has been a mistake. Not because I want it to be but because what ever I...We could ever feel for each other should have never existed in the first place. But how am I supposed to feel that way when I look at her face and see strands of silver hair framing her beautiful face like a halo. When she looks at me with eager violet eyes and sucks her bottom lip into her mouth, when she says my name like she really knows me. Not the man with titles or a loyal servant or even a rejected child....just me.

Would that change if she knew I had a different name and maybe even a title above what she could ever have. Would she look at me with those eyes and see someone who would threaten a position she had earned. What if she discovered the complexities of our relationship.

"I'm with child." She said her voice strong but laced with emotions she often tries not to show anyone. Doubt?  Maybe even fear?

I feel numb, so withdrawn in myself it doesn't even feel like I'm in the room anymore. Every part of my body feels consumed by what she just said, the sound of my heart beating hard in my chest is the only thing that reminds me that I am indeed standing here in silence. If I don't say anything now the silence will stretch out so thin that it would never be able to go back.

I lick my suddenly chapped lips, ready to speak even though I don't know what I should say and if it would even make things better. Would it make a difference if I didn't say anything at all?

"I'm not asking you to say anything, I know this wasn't planned and the timing could have been better. I just thought you deserved to know." She said in a rushed manner.


"More than ever I need to live Jon, I need to live to ensure the safety of my child and so we have to win this war and overcome every other hurdle. Whatever reason you may have to act the way you have been I trust you would tell me if you felt I needed to know, I believe that because I trust you and you can tell me anything. Nothing can change the way I see you Jon."

I knew then that it wasn't the time to tell her but now I did feel like I could eventually tell the truth. After there would be no threat of eternal night and ice and when the future of westerns would be set in stone. Now all that mattered was us in this place and time, how we felt for each other and what our love had given us.

The numbness I once felt faded and was replaced with this inexplicable desire to touch to tell her exactly how much I loved her and how she had given me the greatest gift s man can ask for.

I reached out for her hand, it's warmth is comforting it's the kind that makes you want to nestle against the source. The warmth of her skin as I lightly go higher grazing along her arm compels me to think

How could I have gone so long without touching this skin or feeling this heat.

When I finally reach her cheek I see a stray tear there and wipe it away with my calloused thumb. To think that tears have left her eyes because of me pains me. I can't change the past but  I can promise her that I will never allow a rift to be created between us. I make this silent promise to her by kissing her soft lips.

At first she seems hesitant to me. So I apply pressure lightly  on her lips , I then glide my tongue slightly across her bottom lip asking for permission which she isn't so willing to give at the moment. This incites a moan from her and her body loosens a little  to show her gain in comfort. She lifts her hand and brings it to my neck to rest, her fingers then play with the hair on the base of my neck. She then mingles them into my hair pulling it ever so gently, enough to feel but not enough for it to be unpleasant. This little action of hers makes me want to lessen the already non existent space between our bodies so I deepen the kiss. I suck her bottom lip a little teasing her in the process. I am rewarded with a faint whimper that she unknowingly let's slip from her mouth.

I grin a bit then take the opportunity to nibble on the bottom of her lip. She is gasps somewhat vaguely allowing my tongue entrance, its at this point all reservations she previously had begin to disappear and she kisses me with passion so intense it dulls my senses. Sight, smell and hearing are gone all that remains is taste and touch.

She tastes like berries,wine and a distinct taste that I can't recognise, a taste that I can only describe as Her. She feels soft and strong all at the same time. A trait that speaks for character... vulnerable yet sensible ,kind and stern.

The true Dani. The woman I had come to love more than any other being and more than myself. The mother of my child.

When we separate for air I look at her face. Violet eyes now glassy, cheeks flushed, silver hair moderately out of place and lips puffy and slightly swollen from kissing. I place both my hands lightly on her stomach then lean m forehead on hers. Every other thing would have to wait because my intention is to stretch this moment as long as possible.

"I love you Daenerys."

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