Pleasant distractions

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The night was cold and the air stood still. For a moment it felt like the seven kingdoms were at peace and the night walkers a mere myth parents told their children around the fire.

Dany touched her stomach trying to feel the slightest movement. She thought of Jon and what he would think.

Would he be happy.....or something else.

But the fact remained the same,he was the father and he had to know.

Daenerys POV

I walked to Jon's chambers. The hallway was quiet so there waya no need to check if anyone was there. The knocked on the large door,even the door of this room reminded me of Jon. It was strong but had a warm feeling to it.

Jon opened the door his eyes focused on my own like he was searching for something. I looked back into his eyes with the same intensity I gave him a small smile but his gaze dropped from mine,he opened the door wider letting me in.

He stood there like he was on trial,blankly staring at the furs on the floor. His breathing was heavy,I walked over to him and placing my hand on his neck. I lightly played with his hair trying to think of a way to tell him but he seemed of,f somewhat.... Distant. He'd always looked at me in the eyes but now he seemed uncomfortable,he blankly stared.

"Jon is anything wrong. You seem distant,are you getting along with your family?"

"I'm fine,its being in winterfel".

"You must be happy being home I know how much you love the north. At this Rate you'll never want to return to dragonstone with me"

I waited but he didn't say anything so I continued.

"When the people find out cersei has left them to die,that she only cares about the iron throne  they'll turn against her. Winter is here and we will win the war against cersei and against the night walkers".

I held my stomach working up the courage to say it. So I went to him stroked his cheek. It was rough but soft yet another contrast that added to this Jon snow. The man that I loved,the one who had given me what no other had not even Drogo.

"We have to win this war for the sake of our...."

"Now is not the time to think about thrones and political strategy. Lives will be lost and it can't be avoided, for a moment can't you just open your eyes and see there's more than the iron throne. Things are changing and we can't do anything about it".

I didn't reply,all I did was look at him. This wasn't the Jon I fell in love with. That Jon knew I loved the people of westeros more than anything,more than my life but this Jon thought I only cared about power. So I would live up to his expectations.

"I don't know why you're saying this but you are right. I am a Targaryen and the iron throne is my birth right and I will win this war or else there won't be a throne... Thank you for reminding me lord snow".

With that I walked out trying not to let my emotions betray me. I didn't want to show weakness even though every part of by being wanted to break down and cry.

Now wasn't the time to tell him ,maybe there wouldn't even be a time.

Jamie's POV

The cold winds of the north were unkind especially to someone from the south. My mind went to cersei at kings landing and how stupid she was being. Hadn't we all seen that...thing trying to kill us how could she break her word and our child. But that was irrelevant now cause she had broken her word and I was now an enemy to kings landing and the house lannister.

Blades of dragon glass surrounded me,armour was being made and swords being forged all in preparation the war that had already reached us.

" Ser Jaime you should get some rest,there's no point in fighting a war with tired soldiers" Brienne said behind me.

"Brienne of tarth you haven't changed a bit".

" well you I mean you did the right thing. We need to work together if we stand any chance of winning."

"My child with cersei was my last hope. I thought maybe we could live a happy life,a normal one. But cersei is mad and she just got worse after joffrey died".

I hadn't realised that my voice was getting higher and I was almost shouting.

"The world is too fucked up to live a normal life Ser Jaime. I know what its like to feel like the world isn't treating you right but you need to have the courage to fight back. You Jaime showed that you have courage".

Maybe it was the confusion or pain but in that moment I went mad. And brienne was there so I used her as my outlet.

Our lips intertwined with a hasty rage,I took the lead even though I could tell she wanted to. Though I was here with her my mind was somewhere else. She backed away and we stared at each other a silent understanding between is.

In her chamber we picked up were we left off. Our clothes came offour hands roamed over each others skin,the touch of her hands cold against my chest.

I hovered over her making eye contact,her blue eyes were beautiful but I couldn't help imagine auburn hair cascading on the pillow and brown eyes staring at me. Cersei was in my very being,I hated it but I loved her blindly and it would be a long time before I could feel that way for someone else. I didn't like using brienne but I needed a distraction an escape from my thoughts and she was here.

As we reached our ends I closed my eyes and thought of her face,her eyes,her mouth.....just her and fell asleep dreaming of my sister,lover and enslaver.
OK this was a terrible chapter and I'm sorry. Let's hope it gets better *fingers crossed*

So I got back from school and saw that this story has reached over 2k!!!!! Thanks for reading guys I really appreciate it.
Cue the happy dance.

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