He Knows Nothing

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Purpose is a strange notion, yet somehow we all search for purpose whose to say where you are now is not where you are meant to be. What if we aren't meant to have a purpose at all. Or if our purpose is to merely exist.

Jon felt that way as he sat aimlessly contemplating whether to or not to get his ass up and see her. Then he heard a knock and walked to the door.

Her violet eyes looked happy, different from the contempt her expected to see in them. She sort of looked happy, almost relaxed slightly expectant even.

"Your gra..." He said before he was cut off.

"Don't say anything... Do u know Jon that not so long go I was a girl without any knowledge of the world. I saw the world with youthful eyes, I was somewhat naive so I saw the good in everything. But as u know that didn't last but I was happy once and I thought I would have a child but even that was taken away from me. So imagine my shock when I found out".

" found what..." Yet again he was cut off.

"My children are my dragons. My people are my life.  I never thought of having more than what I already have. But you Jon snow have given me more. I now have the impossible and I do love you. I love you the stubborn king in the north who dares to question everything I do. You who makes me see a different side to everything".

He was happy to hear her say it. He want nothing more than to hug her tight and repeat everything she just said to the tenth power. So he made a step forward and she said.

" I'm with child."

He was completely and utterly in confusion.

Knock knock

Meanwhile somewhere else

Arya's POV

I sat on the ground next to the tree at the heart tree. The ground was cold but I could imagine grass growing out of it like it hadn't in a long time. The smell of flowers and and the feeling of the sun against my skin, the welcoming glow of spring. The north is hard and brittle as the people in it and I could possibly be the coldest person here but I still dreamt of a spring,even a short one, where I could live a mundane life full of regular mundane normal boringness. Emphasis on the normal.

though boring I don't think I'm capable of" I said quietly to myself.

"You are anything but boring.... maybe Stubborn and irritating would be better words for you" Gendry said as he took the spot next to me and sat.

So I didn't say it as quietly as I thought.

I shoved him lightly but what I thought to be a gentle shove turned out to be more of a push. So he had to support himself with his left hand so he wouldn't fall over.

"You are much stronger than I remember my lady" he said and even though I wasn't looking at his face I could tell he was smiling at me.

"I'm no lady and I will never be" I said stating the obvious. After all I was always more of a knight than a lady.

"Aye, I know and I won't call you that. Arya you know if you don't want me to be here I will go" his voice suddenly turned serious and I stared at his face.

His jaw was clenched and he laid his head against the tree so light shone clearly in his blue eyes and made them seem brighter. I swallowed a bit.

"Gendry, why would I want you to leave? You're a dear friend who I haven't seen in a really long time I obviously have no problem in you staying".

"For starters, everyone around me gets hurt. I'm like bad luck Arya....uhm...I'm not worth anyone's trouble really. Even Yorren died because of me. I'm a bastard and have no business being around noblemen."

"Who is really a bastard anyway? Father or no father it doesn't change who you are. You're a good person Gendry."
Surprisingly all I thought of was wanting to comfort him in that moment.

"Even though you are a complete idiot" I ended trying to lighten his mood.

"I can't argue with your logic. I may not have reading skills but I can definitely annoy you." When he said the last word he laughed and I couldn't help but join in his laughing.
For a brief mention between laughter we locked eyes.

"I'm happy you are here" I told him as we looked at each other. His eyes into my eyes.
And we embraced, it felt warm which was a good contrast to the cold air and he smelled a little like embers. His embrace nice and comforting, I felt like I melting almost melting into it.....almost.

We stayed like that for sometime.

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