Deals,war and trying to survive

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3 days earlier

Cersei POV

"I agreed to ferry the golden company from essos,which I have done. But you,my queen are yet to hold up your end of the deal" Euron greyjoy said kissing my hand soon after.

I knew what he meant by 'my end of the deal'....marriage. Honestly there where countless other things I would rather do, but to win a war sacrifices had to be made and marrying Euron was one of them.

"In due time we will wed... but I must concern myself with all the ways I can take down that silver haired bitch and lord eddard stark's bastard son."

I say the first part in attempt to make Euron feel at ease ,I knew that the opportunist would not pass an opportunity to marry a queen. 'Marriage' the thought of it made me want to gag. Especially after being married to Robert Baratheon, even though I am the most beautiful woman in the seven kingdoms that man still preferred lyanna stark.

My marriage to Euron would simply be one of convenience. Marry him today, get my army and dispose of him tomorrow. Quite simple really.

"We will wed today and you my lord will be my king" I threw in the last part just because I knew the impact it would have on him.


The marriage would not be real if we did not consummate it. A rather vile notion but necessary as far as formality goes.

I stood in front of Euron greyjoy in my bed chambers. It wasn't like I was some untouched maiden so I wasn't going to act as one. I unlaced my dress letting it fall to the floor,leaving my naked body free for his eyes to see. I walked to him at a slow pace as sensually as I possibly could. My eyes met his own which were now filled the unmistakable look of lust,I knew I had him wrapped around my finger and I intended to keep it that way. I reached for his hands which were idle by his side and laid them on my breasts. He stroked slowly as if savouring in every single second of what was happening. The man acted like he had never seen a woman before and I almost thought nothing would happen.

Almost until...

His lips crashed onto mine,the lust he was feeling apparent in every movement he made while I merely saw this as a part of a contractual emotionless deal.

I could tell that he was a man who liked to take charge,to be in control and dominant but I am a queen after all and queens always take dominance. Our tongues danced to a furious tune,we both tried to lead the dance causing for an awkward yet interesting kiss.

I undressed him at a teasingly slow pace,at least trying to see if I would get anything from it,who knew maybe even arousal. I stepped back and looked at him once he was completely undressed. For some reason this made me think of Jaime, Euron greyjoy was somewhat a decent looking man but his looks where nothing compared to Jaime. I found myself thinking of what my beloved twin brother and lover was doing then my mind went to the only family I had left...the baby I carried in my womb. It was another chance to be a mother after the deaths of all of my children. Then again I thought how i poisoned the daughter of that bitch that dared to kill me innocent children,satisfaction made a small smile creep on my face.

I was so caught up in the past that I forgot about what was happening in the present, a present that I came back to only after feeling the sheets on my back as Euron kissed me roughly obviously enjoying himself. I just played there trying to look interested.


My army had arrived,thousands of well trained men willing to do anything in the name of duty. There's no way I can lose even though those things were to come in numbers I would easily defeat them right... Let the silver haired dragon queen and that bastard king in the north die it would make things so much easier. Two of my enemies gone without having to do anything.

"Your grace the...creatures are a threat, a threat I fear is coming sooner than we expected. I hate to say it but maybe we should have sided with the dragon queen" my hand said,saying the last part in a flat tone.

"Do you doubt your queen? The aim is not to win a war against an undead army,we simply just want to hold them off long enough for us to win the war against the living. The white walkers are vulnerable to fire and dragons are fire itself let Daenerys Targaryen handle the undead and if she dies....good, if she doesn't her dothraki and unsullied will be weak from battle....even better. I will have the pleasure of killing her myself".

I am my father's daughter after all. The only real lannister.

" your grace suppose..."

I waved my hand at him mad that he would continue to question me.

I sat there just thinking. Remembering the inhuman eyes of that creature,they way it reached to me,they way it was torn apart yet still remained as close to alive as it was before. The glowing flame of the fire that was used to scold it....

"Your grace the army of the undead is here!!" A member of my queen's guard told me frantically looking panicked.

"Do not fear the combination of the knights at casterly rock and the golden company should be able to hold them off" I said trying to be calm even though I myself doubted what had just come out of my mouth.

"They have a dragon! It rains burning hot blue fire"

What! That could only mean that one of the mad kings daughter's pets had been slain in battle and had now become a weapon for this...night king.

One thing was for sure we were in total shit.

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