complications in war

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Dany woke up that morning to the feeling of Jon stocking her hair. His gentle hands curling the hair between two fingers.

She smiled up at him. She loved him and she loved being near him. She wished she didn't have to leave this bed chamber and cease this moment. But a queen has duties and so does a king.

"Good morning,I didn't want to wake you. You looked so beautiful".

He placed a soft kiss on her forehead and let it linger. The feeling of his lips made her shiver. She remembered everything from last night. The way he made her feel special, with every single kiss and touch.

" I wish we didn't have to get up, if this moment could last longer".

"I know but the war is still on and we must get to the north".

" we need to keep our relationship secret for some time, I don't want any of your people thinking you bent the knee just because of a woman's influence and love"

"Love huh" Jon chuckled. "I agree but the tricky part will be staying away from you".

" I know" Dany smirked.

He gave her another kiss before getting up to get dressed. She watched as he walked out turning his head to give her one last look.

When he left she sighed deeply throwing her head against the pillows contently.

Missandei,Irri and her other maidens came in to tend to her. They noticed she had an in erasable smile on her face and they knew why.

In all honesty nearly everyone on the boat knew why. When her bath was done Missandei was the only one left. She carefully laced the strings at the back of her dress.

"You love him" it wasn't a question.

" don't know who you're talking about....I mean I don't lo_"

Missandei burst out in laughter making Dany blush furiously.

"My queen, you don't need to be embarrassed I'm happy for you".

"You're supposed to tell me that its wrong,not with the war a happening".

" You deserve to be happy, and love can't prevent you from winning a war"

She smiled at the woman. Missandei always made her feel better ,much more calm.

Everyone knew what was brewing between the dragon queen and the king in the north. Only time would tell if it would lead to the end of them both.


I met Davos in on of the boats many hallways. He looked like he knew something and wasn't too pleased with it.

"Lad the next time you decide to shag someone in a bloody boat of all places please try to be quieter. Some of us actually use the night to sleep"

My cheeks flushed,the temperature in the hallway got a little hotter. What? If he knew,who else did . who else heard.

"Its alright lad I'm not trying to embarrass you" Davos was now laughing with so much vigour I felt like jumping overboard. "We all need a little fire to keep us warm in the winter. Just don't let it disturb our plans"

"Don't speak of this to anyone Davos. And you know my first priority is the north and its people, I wouldn't let anything come between my duty".

" Aye, I know. just looking out for you"


Arya POV

"He bent the knee. Why would he do that,how can he give the north away so easily. Without informing us". Sansa said pacing around the now empty great hall.

" Jon wouldn't do anything without thinking about it first you know he's a rational thinker"

Even though I said this I wondered why Jon did what he did.

We had talked to the lords of the north,well mostly Sansa but I was there with Needle making sure they kept in line. They grumbled at first,throwing around a few curse words here and there. Some showing how easily they could speak against their king. But eventually they all agreed to wait until Jon returned, to hear his reasons.

"I know but a Targaryen can't be trusted. Not after what her mad father did to our uncle and grandfather".

" Sansa Jon would never put the north at risk. If he bent the knee then she can be trusted".

That was if she didn't force him. I would be the judge of her character. I won't let anyone hurt my family.

The fat man I had been recently introduced to, um..what was his name?....oh Sam Tarly,entered the room. He seemed a little nervous like he had weights on his shoulders that he desperately wanted to drop.

"Bran said.....we have something important to tell you. You both must come to the godswood".

I would have refused but Bran had been distant,maybe it came with being the three eyed raven. So if he wanted us there I would have to go.

Back on the boat

Jon and Dany were having a conversation at the bow of the boat. Often giggling and slightly touching the others arm. Anyone could see that there was something there and if they were trying to hide it they were doing a really shit job.

Tyrion having witnessed Jon entering Dany's bed chamber the previous night knew exactly what their relationship entailed.

He was happy for his queen but feared the consequences of their relationship.


Arya POV

At the godswood Bran sat in his chair facing the heart tree. He had been spending a lot of time here,he said it helped him see better.

" I'm glad you came" the strange thing is that he didn't even have to turn to know. He had already seen us coming.

"Bran what do you want to talk to us about, it seems urgent"

"Its about our family,mostly about Jon. I'm telling you first so it won't be as much of a shock. We need to support him when he finds out"

About Jon was he talking about him bending the knee. Or....was anything wrong.

"What's wrong with Jon" I said as soon as the thought of him in trouble popped in my head.

"No he is OK, but he might not be after he finds out the truth about himself"

What truth,was all I kept thinking about until he began to elaborate.

"Jon isn't really our fathers son, he is the son of our aunt Lyanna Stark and the man she loved ,Rhaegar Targaryen"

No it can't be its a lie.

"No Jon is our brother,why would father lie to us. If that's true it means Robert's rebellion was based on a lie" Sansa said pretty much summarising all my thoughts.

"Rhaegar never kidnapped our aunt or raped her he loved her and she loved him. Father was great at keeping promises and he promised his sister that he would take care of Jon and the only way he could do it was by pretending Jon was his bastard son".

" So Jon isn't father's bastard but is still rhaegar Targaryen bastard" sansa asked

"Making him a sand not a Snow" I added.

Sam Tarly who I even forgot was around spoke.

"I well ,Gilly came across records from the high septums diary. It showed that he had annulled Rhaegar's marriage to Elia and held a small ceremony here to marry lyanna and rhaegar."

"That makes Jon the rightful heir to the iron throne" Bran ended. "He's never been a bastard".

Everything they had said was a lot to take in. It means mother died hating Jon for nothing. But I know it was fathers only choice.

" No matter what Jon is still our brother and he is still a wolf"

Sansa and Bran nodded in agreement. It would take more than simple news to break our family.

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