ice touches fire

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Daenerys POV

I paced around the room while everyone was watching me. I was in desperate need of all the allies I can get especially if I'm going to beat cersei.

"Excuse me,my queen but my sister knows she is in a losing battle. Her armies are the armies my father trained,men skilled in war and willing to serve their queen. But we have the numbers on our side and we have three dragons." Tyrion said.

"Do you suggest we attack kings landing?" I asked him. "No my queen, even though we have the numbers in the unsullied and the dalthraki and the advantage of the dragons, what happens when cersei is off the iron throne and you have burnt kings landing to the ground. The peoples resentment will grow and they will plan to overthrow you. The world does not need another tyrant like Joffrey,Cersei or even my father".

I closed my eyes in thought,then a guard walked into the room and interrupted my thought, "your grace, one of the red priestesses is here and she says she wants to speak with you".

I nodded and dismissed him with my hand, we went to the throne room to meet the priestess.

" your grace as a former slave myself I would like to say that it is an honour to stand before the breaker of chains" said the priestess. She was dressed in a red cloak as was their attire and her hair was tied back in a single braid.
"Surely you have a name my lady,may I have the honour of knowing it?" I asked her. She gave me a slight smile "they call me             ,your grace" she said. I nodded asking her to carry on with what she wanted to say.

"Your grace I heard you are in need of allies and may I say that I think an alliance with the north and the king in the north will be in your best interest ".

My expression hardened at the sound of " king in the north" ,who was this so called king in the north. I hoped it wasn't another person trying to stand between me and the iron throne.

"Your grace in the short time Jon Snow has been king in the north he has been able to unite his people and fight for them, he is a good ruler and I assure you he will prove a great ally."

I glanced over at Tyrion and he seemed to be listening intently. "Do you know this 'king in the north' Tyrion". I asked him.

"Jon Snow and I met during my time at the wall, if he has become the king in the north it would be wise to form an alliance with him ,my queen".

I looked back at the priestess " this Jon Snow seems like a good man, I will consider the alliance" I said to her.

"That's good my queen for only the prince that was promised can bring light to the land". I stared at her and Missandei noticed my confusion," your grace,that form of Valerian can apply to both genders so in this case it means princess". Her clarification was enough to ease my confusion though it still left me wondering but I decided to brush it off.

"We must invite Jon Snow to dragonstone at once and he must pledge fealty to me and the House Targaryen".


"The threat of the dead continues to grow,if we do nothing we will all be at the mercy of the night king and his army. Our men can not fight the night kings army alone."

"We can hold them off my king,for as long as we have to. The night king must know that trying to pass the wall would be fatal"said one of the lords.

"Winter is here, we must fight or die. We can't sit back like cowards waiting for miracles to happen" said another lord protesting the views of the previous one. People grunted in approval of what the man had said.

"Even if we fight we cannot not win without the right tools. We need dragon glass" I said holding out a knife made of the glass. "Sir Davos and I searched the record for any place where we can acquire this dragon glass and we found out that dragonstone is sitting on a mountain of dragon glass and Daenerys Targaryen has placed her capital at dragonstone". I paused listening to the murmurs in the hall.
"A couple of days ago I received this from dragonstone" I said holding up a piece of paper. "Daenerys Targaryen has invited me to dragonstone to discuss an alliance, if we are to survive this wall we need all the help we can get." The voice that intereputed me came from the high table which was now behind me due to my facing the crowd.

"I can not have an alliance with the mad kings daughter,if you remember brother the mad king murdered our grandfather" Sansa said.

"I remember everything,but as king I have to make difficult decisions to protect the north" I said." The king in the north must stay in the north"said a young voice,the voice had power and confidence and I recognised it as the voice of lady Kate.

I to address all of them," I have to do wat I have to do to ensure the north is safe,Davis and I will leave tomorrow and I'm leaving a capable person in charge". "Who" sansa asked. "You" I replied and her face immediately calmed down after I said that. "You are the only and I are the only starks sister and I trust you will serve the north wisely".

Yeah so like many others I loved this season of game of thrones and I'm now a proud jonerys shipper. I think they are such a cute couple and bring out the best in each other so as a result of all the feels I decided to write this story so ......I really really hope u like it and if u do please continue reading love


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