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Let's just pretend that The Amazing Spiderman 2's already in cinemas hahaha. oh and yayyy for double update tonight! :)


It's 11 p.m., Kian just went home because we had too much fun playing Mario Kart and I have 12 missed calls from Connor 

It started ringing again and this time, I pick up. 

Be cool Jamie, be cool.

"Hey sorry I wasn't able to pick up. I was with Sam"

"It's okay. Are you mad?"

"No, why would I be?"

"It's just...I don't know... the way you texted me just got me anxious"

"If you misunderstood that then I'm sorry" I said, using his words earlier

"Let's go do something tomorrow"

"I already told you I have plans. I have other friends too you know?"

"*sigh* Who are you going with?"

"Kian and Sam"

"Can I come with?"

"Thought you wanted some alone time with your girlfriend"

"I knew you took it the wrong way Ja-"

"You said it yourself Connor, it's not always going to be just me and you"

"You do know that they're just forced to hang out with you,right? I mean c'mon Jamie, Sam's your brother so of course he's ob-"

"Connor where is all this coming from? Why are you so pissed at me all of a sudden?"

"Why are you making such a big deal out of this?"

"Oh wow sure, I'm the one making this a big deal. You know what? I don't wanna talk to you right now" I hung up

After a few minutes, my phone vibrated again

From: Riley

Hey J sorry 2 disturb u at this tym but I heard screaming and i think connor's punching his wall. do u know what's wrong?

To: Riley

we had a little fight. don't worry, it'll get better soon. get some sleep riley

From: Riley

r u sure? bc it sounds like it was a big fight

To: Riley

everything will be better in the morning. good night Riles

From: Riley

ok. good night j

>>>10 AM<<<

"Are you and Connor fighting?" 

"Good morning to you too,mom" I said and grabbed milk from the fridge

"Honey,I'm serious"

I sighed  "How did you know?" 

"I'm your mom, I knew that something was off the moment you walked down the stairs" I raised and eyebrow at her

"Okay fine, I heard your argument last night"

"My voice was that loud?"

"We all heard it, honey" 

"It's just a petty fight mom"

"Are you sure bec-"

"Yes mom, I'm sure"

"Ready to go,Jamieeee?" Sam said



"Andrew Garfield was hot as hell as always" I gushed when we went out of the cinema 

"Make her stop" Kian whined because I've been gushing over Andrew for the whole movie and I was seated in the middle of the two guys so they had to go through it

"I'm just gonna go to the bathroom" Sam laughed and walked away which left me and Kian to finish the popcorn

"Andrew Garfield didn't look good in that costume, to be honest"

"You take that back" I clutched onto my chest and pretended to be hurt then I threw popcorn at him

"Hey" He threw more at me

A popcorn fight it is,then

Connor's POV

I decided to just watch a movie with Denise. I wanted to watch Spiderman but she chose a chick flick instead. Dammit if I were with Jamie she would totally go with Spiderman

Dammit, why am I thinking of her?

"Babe,is that Jamie?" Denise pointed to the nearby tables

And sure enough, Jamie was there...with Kian. They look like they're having fun throwing popcorn at each other... I thought that she was with Sam too?

"Let's go" I said to Denise as I took one last look and sent Jamie a text

Jamie's POV

"Stop it!" 

"You started this war,Lancaster!"

My phone vibrated and Kian stopped

From: Con

You didn't have to lie. If you wanted to go on a date instead of hangin out w me you should've just said so. But let me tell you Jamie, this was a really bitchy and slutty thing to do considering the fact that you just broke up with danny.

I gritted my teeth and clenched my jaw

"Jamie, what's wrong?" 

"Hey why'd you waste the pop- what happend? Kian what did you do to my sister?" I heard Sam's volme rise

"I didn't...Connor did"

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