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"I can't believe I met All Time Low! Thank you! Thank you Thank you! Oh My Gosh Connor!"

To say I was happy would be an understatement. I just met All Time Low, thanks to Connor and now we were in the front row of a mosh pit, waiting for the band to start.

I found myself singing along to every word and when Weightless came on
Alex wanted to take someone to the stage

"Alright, anyone wanna play weightless for me?" The whole crowd was just shouting "AHHH!"

Imagine if someone asked you "Hey how are you doing today?"

and then you answered "AHHH!"

That must be weird.

Until Connor shot both his arms out and shouted

"I'll perform it for you" He meant it as a joke. He was sure Alex or Jack or Rian or Zach couldn't hear him but he was wrong

"Come on up here then! Yes you blondie boy!"

"Oh shit" I hear Connor whisper beside me

He looked at me but my mouth was just agape, still in shock.

He smiled before going up on stage beside Alex

beside Alexander William fucking Gaskarth oh my God

"Do us justice and make your girlfriend proud over there." Alex Gaskarth pointed at me

Alex saw me holy shit

What is life

In a normal situation, I would've corrected him, but I was too much into the moment that a word didn't come from my mouth.

"You know what? Come on up here, beautiful." Alex Gaskarth called me beautiful

Holy Shit

and he wants me to go on stage oh my

It never really sunk in until one of the bouncers led me to the stage, fans tugging at my shirt and screaming into my ear.

"Hey, you can take my mic." Jack Barakat told me and I just stood there for a moment before engulfing him in a long ass hug

And then I couldn't stop myself, his infamous butt was right there...so I poked it and he let out a laugh

"I'd love to do it back but blondie's watching." He whispered and I was so goddamn red

"Manage me I'm a mess" Alex started then he looked to me expectantly

"Turn the page, I'm a book half unread..." I sang and it felt so good

"Damn" Jack said beside me

The song ended but I was still so ecstatic and I was having an adrenaline rush

"Fucking hell. These two can take our jobs. Do you have a band or something?" Alex asked Connor

"Well uh no. Not an actual band but my brothers and I like to jam and stuff" He replied

"Well if you ever consider making one, I'll be in the front row seat of your first headline show." Alex said and the crowd cheered and I'm pretty sure Connor and I's hearts leapt for joy too

Alex mouthed something to Jack then Jack nodded and turned to me.

"Go side stage then after the show, meet us back stage." Jack smiled and I just bobbed my head up and down like a lunatic then I hugged Rian and Zack before going to Connor


The band finished up with Dear Maria, as usual, then the bouncers led us backstage. Neither me nor Connor could utter a word, we're both shocked and excited as fuck

"We just wanted to tell you both that you belong on stage and we really hope you consider the band thing. " Jack said

"Here. In case you need something, anything at all." Alex handed Connor a piece of paper with his number on it


"Alright, we'll see you soon. We need a long shower." Alex laughed and the rest of the boys nodded in agreement

"This is amazing uhm wow, Thank you so much. We'll definitely think about it." Connor said

"Thank you guys. This is the best night of my life so uh, thanks for being awesome. We'll see you soon." I said and insisted on hugs but they said they were too sweaty so Rian said I'd have to settle for "Just a kiss on the cheek" well I'm not complaining...

After they left, Connor turned to me with wide eyes and a grin that would put the cheshire cat to shame

"Hey Con." I said with a smile as big as his

"Yes Jamie?"

"You are totally forgiven. But I swear if you don't consider starting a band I will--"

"Hey guys!"

Connor's POV

"Hey guys!" Kian hollered as he approached us.

The moment he was close enough, he pulled Jamie in for a long kiss.

Well so much for best night of my goddamn life, spending it with my favorite band, the love of my life and oh, her boyfriend.

"Hey Connor." Kian grinned at me when they pulled away

"What? I don't get a kiss?" I joked and just acted like my heart didn't get stomped on and eaten alive and beating by a fucking monster then barfed out again and someone tried to put it back together with a piece of band aid.

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