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"Did you hear? Denise and Connor broke up! "
I looked over to the girls talking about Connor and Kian tightened his grip on my hand

"For real? They've been together for 2 years! Shame! "

"I heard Denise was the one who called it off! "

At the corner of my eye, I saw Denise--alone, she didn't look like herself, she was pale, had red eyes, looks like she cried all night and--

"Babe, I think we should go." Kian said, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Oh, uh yeah"

"You okay? "

"Yup. Let's go. "

The bell rang and I was first out of the room

And because of my haste, I bumped into someone...

"I'm sorry! --- Denise? "

She looked up but didn't even acknowledge my presence, she just walked away.
My eyes followed her until I saw Connor standing by his locker, looking at me.

I gulped and looked away
Dammit, where's Kian?

"Jamie can we talk? " In a flash, he was right in front of me

"About what? "

"About a lot, J. A lot. " He let out a breath and I looked anywhere but his eyes, because I knew even if I was angry as fuck. I could never resist his plea

"Can I drop by at--"

"Drop by where, Connor? " Kian suddenly appeared beside me and gave me a kiss

"Kian can you leave us to talk please? " Connor said

"Anything you say to Jamie, you can say to me"

"Fine. Jamie, can I drop by your house tomorrow night? So we can talk... Just the two of us. " Connor replied, looking at Kian

"I don't think that's a good idea Co-"

"Okay" I cut Kian off and they both looked at me with wide eyes

"I uh--thanks Jamie. I'll see you. " Connor gave me a smile and Kian grunted before walking away

"Kian! "

"Kian! "

"Goddammit Kian! What is your problem?! "

We're now in the school parking lot and he's still not stopping

"Oh my God Kian! " I finally caught up with him and held on to his arm

"WHAT?! "

"Why are you mad? "

"You're asking me? You're my problem, Jamie! You're so goddamn blind! " He half screamed and I have never seen him this mad before

"What do you--"

"You still don't get it? Connor's in love with you and that's probably what he's gonna tell you tomorrow and he's gonna steal you away from me and at the end of the day we both know he'll win!!! " Tears spilled from his eyes and I've never seen him so vulnerable before

I stood up on my tip toes and held his face with both my hands

"Breathe, baby. You're overreacting. Of he's in love with me like you say he is then I don't give a fuck. No one's going to steal me away from you, okay? " I kissed him and I felt him sigh through the kiss

"You don't know what you do to me, Jamie" He buried his face in my neck and I just smiled, happy with the boy holding me in his arms

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