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Kian's POV

Class is going to start in five minutes... but there's only one question on my mind right now.

Where's Jamie?

To:Jamie :)
Hey babe. Where are you? Class is bout 2 start

I shot her a text before the teacher came in.

But 2 periods have already passed and still no sign of her.

"Hey Sam!" I called out

"Where's Jamie?" I asked

"She has a fever. Didn't even eat breakfast. I offered to take care of her because she has the tendency to convulse--"

Sam kept talking but I was only worried about Jamie convulsing

"I'm leaving." I simply stated and Sam stared at me

"You're going to skip?"

"Yes. Jamie's alone right?"

"No. Mom's there but-"

"Don't care. I'm still skipping. Bye" I quickly said as I ran out of the campus.

"I can't leave Jamie! Can't you handle it?  Oh shit what?! Fine I'll try! Dammit"

"Everything okay, Mrs. Lancaster?"

"Oh Kian! It's just you. Not really, there's an emergency at work and-- wait! Why are you not in school? Did you skip bec-"

"Don't worry about it, Grace. You go to work and I'll go take care of Jamie." I smiled

"But you have school and--"

"I already took care of it. I'll be fine, Grace." She sighed and finally gave in

"My number's in Jamie's phone if you need anything. Thank you for this, Kian."

"Of course." She waved goodbye then finally walked out the door

I put my bag down and decided to make Jamie some soup

Before I could even finish it, I heard footsteps and constant groaning

"Mom?" Jamie's voice sounded strained

"Hey babe" I greeted her

"You're not mom." She said, rubbing her eyes

"No I'm not. Come on I made you soup" I got another groan in response

"You need to eat something, Lou. And also medicine." She sighed but sat down in the dining room and I handed her the spoon and bowl

"Only 3 spoonfuls" She looked up at me

"Uh-uh, 8."

"What? No! 4!"

"6 and that's final." I said

"You're worse than my mother" She mumbled and I laughed

"Did you skip? Or is it a weekend and I didn't notice?"

"I skipped." I smirked and she gulped

"Kian you'll get in trouble! Get your ass back in school now! If they find out-"

"You shouldn't talk much, I know your throat hurts and I've got it all taken care of. Calm down,babe" I held on both her shoulders and she turned redder

"Why are you blushing?"

"It's probably just the fever" 

"No. You're blushing." I argued

"I like it when you call me babe. Turns me on" She looked down and just ate her soup

"I see." 

"Don't push it, Lawley" She pointed her finger at me and I chuckled

"Here's your medicine by the way"  I handed her a capsule and a glass of water

"Thanks. Uhm Kian... I know that we just got together and all but. Can I ask you a favor?" She looked me straight in the eyes and bit her lip

"Should I be scared? But uhm yeah what is it?"

"You see, the reason I have a fever is because of uhm.. cause of-"

"Because of what Jamie? Dammit"

"Because of my period. Okay? It's usually just cramps. It's seldom that I get a fever. And the thing is... I uhm... Ineedmoretampons"


"I need tampons" She blushed and looked down


"But if you can't I could just go to the store and you just have to drive me and-"

"No, no. It's fine. You need rest. But Sam saod you convulse and I --"

"That only happens qhen I have high temperature. And it's not that bad right now. But Kian are you sure?"

"Yes I'm sure...But. You owe me lots of kisses for this." She giggled and I put my hands on my hips

"I am serious"

"Okay, okay" She smiled

"I'll be back in a few. Lock the door. Your mom gave me the keys anyway. Go get some rest, alright?"



Oh God. Which one does she use?

There's just so many. Ah shit.

"This pink one looks pretty though" I whispered and a lady looked at me funny

"My uhm girlfriend needs it." I smiled

"Wow. Hardly see boys like you anymore. She's a lucky one"

"Thanks" I said then she walked away


"Really Kian?" I hear a familiar voice say

"Connor. Uhh"

"If it's for Jamie and I sure hope it is, she uses the blue one. Saw it in her bag once. But I never told her. "

"Okay. Thanks."

"Sure thing, buddy."

"Wait. Connor, did you skip too?" I whispered

"It wasn't really skipping. I got suspended for beating someone up in the locker room after our practice yesterday." He sipped on his soda like it was nothing

"What? Why'd you do it?"

"Just... reasons. You better get back to Jamie now. See you around,Lawley" He walked away and I was left there with a pack of tampons in my hand

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